Chapter 7: Sparks will fly

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An hour and 30 minutes had passed, but with the engaging conversation and good company, it had only felt like a couple of minutes to both Beca and Chloe, neither of them noticing the time or just how far they'd driven. The windows were rolled down, allowing a cool, refreshing breeze to surround them and give a bit of relief from the warm air outside.

So far, the journey had gone smoothly. No hiccups or issues that would cause them delay. They were on their way to Troyes, an older city nestled on the Seine River; it was one of their many stops they'd be making over the next week. They would stay in Troyes for a day or two, then journey on to the next city.

And by the end of their little vacation, the duo would arrive back where they started, in Paris. But it wasn't something they wanted to think about. Both were more intent on enjoying the present, rather than worrying about the future. They'd fester and worry when the time came.

"You sure we're heading the right way?" Chloe asked, brow furrowed as she studied the map then glanced about to her surroundings. Walls of trees surrounded the two-lane road, acting like a canopy above the lone silver car and offering some well-needed shade. The Buick Lucerne traveled along the vacant road, its wheels and tires gliding easily above the pavement.

"Hey. I'm just following your directions, Sacajawea." A smirk fell upon Beca's lips as she said it, her eyes glistening with mischief and pride.

Chloe, on the other hand, rolled her eyes at her attempt of a joke. But soon, the stern look she tried to mask on her face fell, and she found herself chuckling, giving Beca a shove on the arm. She missed her humor, her sly jokes. Always able to lighten a gloomy situation with one clever line.

Finding herself smiling like no other, Chloe kept her eyes focused on the woman in the driver's seat. "Seriously, though, Beca. Are you sure this map is right?" She then began to turn the flimsy paper in her hands, her head tilting sideways as if it would help her understand it better. "We're supposed to be coming up on Troyes. But I haven't seen any signs telling us that it's approaching in all of these trees. I haven't seen any signs on this entire road."

Chancing a glance at her, Beca gave her a teasing grin. "You're the one with the map. I'm merely steering the car, following the directions you're giving me."

Grunting in frustration, she sighed. "Maybe we should pull over, and retrace our steps? Start from square-one?"

That would probably be best. Don't want to be driving around in circles all day.

Seeing as they had no other option, Beca looked over at her rearview mirror, allowing her to see if there was a car behind them while she simultaneously put on the right signal. She put the vehicle in park and shut off the engine before taking her foot off the brake and giving Chloe her undivided attention as she situated the map out in front of her, making it easier for her to see as well.

With the paper splayed out across her lap, Chloe then began to show her where they had traveled thus far. Tracing her finger along the road shown on the map, Beca watched as she then pointed to their exact location and to their destination, which was only a couple of miles from where they currently were.

Huh. So they had been heading the right direction after all.

Giving her a smug grin, Beca leaned over for a quick kiss, surprising Chloe. She hadn't been expecting a kiss from her, but she didn't mind. Not one bit.

Beca had intended for the kiss to be sweet and gentle, yet it soon turned into something completely different. It became its own. It was need, want, and lust all wrapped up into one.

With the console between them, Chloe managed to lean over it without causing her to be too uncomfortable, all while their mouths were attached and dancing furiously against one another. God, she'd never grow tired of kissing Beca. Never wanted to stop.

Unable to tamper down the urge to get closer, Chloe took matters into her own hands. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she trailed a hand down Beca's neck and shoulders, blindly searching for her seatbelt, and Beca, sensing this, assisted her. The telltale click of the buckle releasing made both of them grin against each other's mouths; it was like music to their ears.

Beca could feel Chloe's hands at her sides, tugging on her shirt in an attempt to pull her against her.

"Get over here," the redhead grumbled impatiently, needing to feel the other woman even more.

Chuckling, Beca broke the kiss and stared at her. All swollen lips and flushed cheeks. So beautiful.

"Patience is a virtue, you know?"

"Never been very virtuous," Chloe tossed back immediately, giving her a suggestive smirk in the process. She tugged on Beca's shirt again, lifting up its hem and blazing a trail with her finger over the edge of her jeans, in turn causing Beca to jump in her seat.

Chloe was taunting her. And as much as she wanted to take her here and now– she was making it so tempting– they shouldn't be doing this here. But those wicked hands of hers and-- No. Focus.

Beca reigned in her desperation and want. It was difficult, but she did it.

Tugging her hands away, she saw the hurt look flash across her features. "As much as I'd love to continue, I think we should at least... wait, until we get to the hotel?" Uncertainty colored Beca's words.

What if she took offense to that? Oh shit, was that the wrong thing to say?

Beca waited nervously, her eyes wide as she gazed at Chloe. But the sudden relief that washed over her body when she saw the other woman smiling like no other made her rest easy. Chloe closed the distance between them, hands coming up to cup her cheeks as she kissed Beca fully on the mouth, her tongue darting out for a split second to taste her. But as fast as she came, she was gone.

"Let's go."

Eyes glazed over, it took Beca a couple of seconds to catch her breath. "Uh... yeah. Yeah." She clicked her seatbelt on, started up the car once again, and merged back onto the road.

Chloe's eyes practically undressed the brunette as she bit her lip in arousal. God, she had to stop looking at her like she was a piece of meat that she wanted to devour. It was making driving extremely difficult. When Beca felt slender fingers curling into her hair, right at the base of her neck, she almost steered the vehicle off the road.

"Easy there, Becs," she purred, feathering circles and other shapes along the smooth skin. Her touch was gentle and soft, causing goose bumps to pucker all over Beca's body.

Chuckling nervously, Beca felt like a teenager all over again. She should be calm and collected, but no. No, she was acting like she has never done this before. Like it was her time all over again.

Well, technically, it was her first time. Her first time with Chloe.

The fingers traveled along the slope of her neck all the way down to her hips, where they then began to circle over the hem of Beca's pants in a teasing manner. She almost lost it right there.

Where was that damn hotel?!

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