Chapter Seventeen: Gallifrey Stands

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Inside his TARDIS, the Warrior looked down at his hands as they flowed golden. "Oh yes, of course. I suppose it makes sense. Wearing a bit thin." He stepped back from the console. "Its about time I met this Angel."

And for the very last time, the Doctor regenerated alone.


"I'm exhausted," the First Angel complained, returning to the console room. "Why do I feel like we've done two days in one?"

The Ninth Doctor snorted. "Because you're a drama queen?"


He laughed. "Seriously, though, it's probably just everything catching up to you. You're lucky you haven't got hypothermia, being out in the cold all day wearing..." He hesitated, swallowing. "You know... That thing."

The First Angel smiled teasingly. "That thing?"

"Mmm," he agreed, studiously ignoring her in favour of reading the Circular Gallifreyan on the monitor.

She stepped closer, putting one hand on his back. "As I recall, you were quite enjoying that 'thing' earlier."

His lips twitched. "Don't know what you mean."

"Oh, well," she grinned. "Let me remind you." She reached up to the back of his neck and kissed him softly.


Five years later, the Tenth Doctor wrapped his arms around his wife. "What's wrong?"

She bit her lip. "I don't know. I've just got a really bad feeling... Like something terrible's going to happen."

"What Carmen said," he remembered, nodding.

The Third Angel shook her head. "More than that. I think..." She swallowed. "Something is coming. Something that could tear the whole universe apart. It could even tear us apart."

The Tenth Doctor's expression softened. "Come on, Kez. I promise you, that is never going to happen. We're in this for the long haul now. Forever."


"Are you alright?" the Fourth Angel asked, nudging her husband.

"'Course," he told her, flashing a grin. "Tip top. Tippety toppety. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You did just go back to the Time War for the first time in four centuries," she pointed out. "The setting of your nightmares for nearly half a millennium?"

The Eleventh Doctor grabbed her waist, spinning her round and round as he danced around the console. "Who cares about the Time War? Gallifrey is safe! My people are alive!"

The Fourth Angel couldn't help but smile at his infectious delight. "So long as you're okay. It's good to see you so happy, my love."


Wanda smiled, stepping over the threshold into Clara's new flat. "It's lovely."

Clara shrugged, locking the door. "It's not much, but it's mine." She hesitated. "So where are you staying tonight? Will the Doctor and the Angel come back?"

"Probably not," Wanda admitted. "I might go to one of the old S.H.I.E.L.D. safe houses. There's one not too far away, ten minutes on the bike."

"You, er..." Clara blushed. "You could stay here? I mean, if you want, you don't have to, I just—"

"Clara," Wanda cut her off, beaming. "I'd love to."

"Great," Clara smiled. "Good, good. Er, are you hungry?"

"Sure. I'll make something," Wanda offered. "Have you ever tried paprikash?"


Twenty minutes later, they were eating at Clara's dining table. After a long silence, Clara spoke up. "Is this a date?"

Wanda frowned at the contents of her fork. "I think it's a tomato."

"What?" Clara blinked, then looked at her food and snorted. "No, I mean this. Us, having dinner. You, staying the night."

"Do you want it to be?" Wanda asked.


"Then yes."

Clara bit her lip. "Is that okay? I mean... the Doctor told me about Vision. I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to take his place or something, because I'm not."

Wanda smiled. "Clara, relax. It's true, you are the first person I've grown close to since Vision was killed. And I know that the universe is a dangerous place and anything could happen... but I'd love to see it happen with you."

"Me too," Clara admitted. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay with this, because... well, it's only a one-bedroom flat." Her cheeks flushed red.

"Well," Wanda said, grinning. "We'll just have to make do."


A few snippets of fluff for the Doctor and the Angel in their various bodies, and the beginning of something beautiful with Wanda and Clara. Wara? Clanda? Points to anyone who comes up with a ship name :)

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