Ch. 7 "Difficult"

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Third Person POV

Bucky, Steve and Natasha watched from the roof as the girl got out of the dumpster and took off running,

"Bucky you know her?" Steve asked

"No, I mean yes I'm not sure but what she said sounded familiar," Bucky said

"Well we need to track her down or fury is gonna blow a gasket," Natasha said

Zoey POV

That was close I thought as I ran down the street dodging cars and people, I find the abandoned apartment building I've been staying at I live on the middle floor just incase those stupid HYDRA agents find me

I take my boots off at the door I jump over the booby trap I set and walk over to the bathroom washing the black eye mask off I look in the mirror with the water dripping off my face, I start stitching my wound

"Is this what my life is gonna be like?" I said

"Fighting none stop alone," I said

After talking to myself I took a shower, and changed

I take a nap, only to wake up a few hours later

I changed again

flannel vest and dark jeans and boots, I walk out the door to go see my mom even though I know she won't remember me by the time I leave,

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flannel vest and dark jeans and boots, I walk out the door to go see my mom even though I know she won't remember me by the time I leave,

I ride the Elevator to the floor and Enter my mom's room,

I sit next to her bed, after our introduction again

"Mom?" I said

She turned her head,

"What's wrong my little star?" She said

"I I've done terrible things..." I said looking down at my hands

"What do you mean?" She asked

"I fight steal then fight some more," I said looking up at her

"I must be a terrible disappointment..." I said

"My little star..." She said gently putting her hand on my cheek

"You could never disappoint me, what makes me so proud is that you are alive and still the same age you went missing," She said smiling at me

"And it's about time I've told you something..." Mom said looking upset

"What is it mom?" I asked

"Do you remember when you used to ask about you're father what I would tell you?" She asked me

I nodded

"Yeah, you said that that he left," I said looking at her

"Yes, but that's not true he died a hero or I thought he did he's alive," She said

"How?" I asked

"I.. I don't remember," She said

"It's okay mom," I said

"You were doing what was best for me," I said as a tear fell down my cheek

"you look so much like him," Mom said

"Mom.." I said

Just as I was about to say something

"Miss visiting hours are soon over," I nurse said

I nodded

I kissed her on the cheek,

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said walking out

Steve POV

we were back at the tower with the blood sample we collected and gave it to Tony and Bruce to analyze,

Bucky is sitting on the couch with a grimace

"You still thinking about what happened?" I asked

He nodded

"Yeah that voice it sounded so familiar," he said

"You said Zoey I said

"I just can't remember," He said

"It will come to you I know it will," I said

then Bruce and Tony storm into the room,

"You guys are not gonna believe this," Tony said

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