Ch. 21 "My reasons"

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                                                                  Zoey POV

Beep, Beep, Beep, 

Would someone shut that dam noise up, I thought, 

My eyelids felt like glue, when I finally opened my eyes, and blinding light hurt my eyes I had to close them for a minute, when I finally opened my eyes it was blurry but finally I could see clearly, 

I look around I'm covered in a lot and I mean a lot of blankets, wires connected to my chest, 

I look to my right to see Pietro, 

"She lives," He said with a smirk

I sat up slowly, 

"How's the kid?" I asked 

"He's safe, thanks to you," Pietro said 

"How you feeling?' He asked 

"Not the first time I've been frozen," I said 

He nodded 

"I'm gonna let you rest," He said walking out 

I start to pull the dozen of covers off I went to get up but I heard someone clear their throats, 

I see Bucky and My dad

"Going somewhere?' Dad asked 

"Yeah, away from here," I said starting to rip the wires from my chest, 

"Zoey, stop it," Bucky said grabbing my wrist 

so let me recap here I don't like hospitals or labs, because of how I was treated in HYDRA I have the scars to prove it, they make me uncomfortable, 

"I'm fine," I said getting up, 

"You're far from it kid," Bucky said 

"You're temperature is still low," Dad said not sounding happy 

"Bucky can I have a minute," Dad said 

Bucky nodded leaving, oh crap, 

Dad crosses his arms, the suspense is killing me, I thought 

he looks to be in deep thought then looks at me, 

"Zoey, I wanna know what has been going on?" He said 

Huh I thought 

"First it takes forever to track you down, then you are caught sneaking out, with some mysterious reason have some unknown injuries, and now this," Dad said looking a bit upset 

"I don't know what you mean?" I said slouching into the pillows, 

Dad sat on the edge of the bed, 

"Why won't you talk to me?" He asked sounding hurt 

I looked at him, am I hurting him because of how distant I've been? I thought 

"I guess..." I started 

"It kinda starts.. with my mom," I said looking at my hands 

Dad looks at me, 

"I mean I guess I was somewhat always stubborn, but when she got sick,that's when everything got... complicated," I said 

"How?" Dad said 

"When I was in the hospital with her, HYDRA came for me," I said 

"I fought as many off as I could but.." I said squeezing my hands into fists, 

"But they still got to you," Dad said 

"Yeah," I said 

"When I got there all they did was take blood in the most painful way," I said 

"What way?" Dad said 

"Nothing, but after some time when I wouldn't obey orders," I said 

"What happened?" Dad asked 

"They froze me, but I guess I was in cryogenic freeze for so long the camber broke," I said 

His eyes widened, 

"But when I woke up, nothing was the same anymore," I said 

"Nothing was the same, my friends were no longer living, my mom was older and didn't remember anything," I said 

"That night I decided if I was going to survive I was gonna have to do things my way," I said looking at him with determination 

"But it doesn't have to be that way anymore," He said 

"I know,it's just I'm not used to this yet," I said 

"Me, too were just a working progress," Dad said 

I smiled at him,

"How about from now on no more secrets, we don't hide anything from each other okay," Dad said 

"Alright," I said 

with that we both hugged

"I'll try to be better at this," I said 

"Me too," He said 

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