Ch. 8 "Run"

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Steve POV

"you guys are just not gonna believe this!" Tony said

"What is it?" Bucky said

everyone was looking at Tony and Bruce,

"The blood sample you three brought to us," Tony said pointing at me Bucky and Natasha

"Yeah?" I said crossing my arms

"It's a 99% match to your DNA," Tony said pointing at me

"What?" I asked

"Yeah, and here's the weird part it's a match to a girl that went missing in May, 1959," Bruce said

"Who?" Natasha asked

Tony brought a picture of a girl on the screen,

"Zoey Rodgers Born August 25, 1945," Tony said

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"Zoey Rodgers Born August 25, 1945," Tony said

"Rodgers?" I said

"There could be a million people with that last name," I said trying to shrug it off

"Mother's maiden name, Peggy Carter," Tony said again

My eyes got wide,

"That's right big guy you're a father," Tony said

"Hold up, If all this is true, was she ever found?" Natasha asked

"No.. according to sources she was kidnapped in the hospital he mother was admitted in, and she was never seen or heard from again, some believe she was dead," Bruce said

I looked at the picture,

"Wait... I've seen her before," I said

"Where?" Thor asked

"The retirement home, Peggy is at she was leaving in a rush she seemed upset," I said still looking at the picture

"I know her..." Bucky said

We all looked at him,

"How?" Natasha asked

"HYDRA," Bucky said

"What," We all said

"They... kidnapped her, she had the super solider serum in her veins from genetics, they trained her," Bucky said

"But..." He said

"But what?" Tony said

"She wouldn't take orders, wouldn't listen, no matter the punishment she would go against them," Bucky said

"What happened?" I asked

"The last day I saw her, I asked her why she was defying them why she was doing this?" Bucky said

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