Ch. 12 "Awake"

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Steve POV

I stand outside of the room looking in the window as Bruce talks to me Bucky is standing next to me,

"Steve, she is completely healthy the only thing I could find is that she's a bit on the lighter side other then that she's fine," Bruce said looking at me calmly,

"Then why hasn't she woken up?" I asked

"She probably hasn't been sleeping that is all," Bruce said trying to reassure me

I nodded with that Bruce left,

"Are you alright?" Bucky asked

I shrugged,

"I don't know how to do this," I said looking in at Zoey sleeping as the machines beeped with each breath,

"Do what?" He asked

"I've never had to take care of a kid before," I said

Before Bucky could say anything Nat and Clint walked up,

"That's why were here we can all help, besides by the way she fights I don't think she's you're average kid," Clint said

I nodded,

"Thanks guys," I said with a shy smile,

Zoey POV

Beep, Beep, Beep

Would some shut up that dam noise! I thought,

my memory is fuzzy,

my eyes flutter open I'm met with a blinding light I blink a few times, I realize I'm in a white room,

I jolt up sitting up fast,

I look around no one is here, I pull all the wires connected to me off standing up I slowly open the door looking around to see Cap and Bucky asleep in the hall on chairs,

I rush out running down the hall

my shoes squeaking as I run, as I turn the corner I run into someone causing me to fall on my butt,

I look up to see the archer,

"So you're finally awake?" He said smirking

I took off in the other direction,

"Wait!" I heard him call

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