Time skip (to the end of the day)....
Tae's pov:
Tae and his friends were walking home as a group. Funnily enough they all live on the same street, so they would always walk to school and walk back home together. The 6 of them always had something to talk about....
"Did you hear somebody stole Mr Lee's lunch today" Jin laughed.
"WHAT! SERIOUSLY!" Hoseok wheezed. "Who would want to steal the maths teachers lunch?" Namjoon queried.
"Idk but it must of been something good" Jimin giggled.
"Awe your laugh is so cute" Yoongi blurted out, which caused Jimin to blush and then hit Yoongi. Yoongi looked at him and smirked."Right ladies, this is my house. I'll see you all tomorrow, text y'all later" Tae shouted as he walked up his drive. He turned and waved them goodbye, with the whole group waving back and Tae walked into his house. He slid his chequered vans off and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. He picked up an apple and went into the lounge to greet his parents. As he walked in, he realised his parents weren't in there.
"Mum, Dad, Are you home?" Tae called. "Yes Son, we are in the Dinning room" Tae's dad called. He shrugged it off, and threw his bag on the floor. He walked into the Dining room, to see his Mum and Dad sitting next to each other, with blank faces.
"Hey Tae come sit down in front of us, your farther and I need to discuss something with you, and it's very important" Tae's mum said. So he walked over to the table and sat in front of them as he was asked to.
"Um Tae, I don't know how to put this lightly but your going to get married in 2 months" Tae's dad burst out bluntly.
Tae was more than shocked, he didn't think he heard him right.
"Pardon? Did I hear you right? C-can you repeat that?" Tae stuttered."Look son, I know it's quite a shock but yes you are getting married in 2 months"
"What! To who? and Why? I need to know all the details. Aren't I too young? Is it a boy or a girl?" Tae's head was fully about to explode with questions.
"Slow down hunny, just listen to you dad" Tae's mum reassured."Tae, you will be getting married to the Jeon's son..." The minute Tae's dad said Jeon, he thought that surname sounded very familiar. 'Why does that sound so familiar, Jeon...Ju NO WAY it can't be him. Jeon is a very common name right?' Tae thought.
"... he is your age, but he is a couple of months younger than you. I don't know what he's like, but I'm sure he'll be fine. Why... because my company partner wants to merge with their company, and this is the only way of doing it! You will be meeting him later tonight, we are going to meet at your soon to be house. We've already packed your things. Your house is in the street next to this street, so you can still be walking distance of your friends" His dad explained.
"uh um o-okay. What time are we going?" Tae asked not wanting to disappoint his parents.
"10 minutes, We've laid your outfit out on your bed upstairs, so go get ready" Tae's mum suggested. Tae got up and bowed to his parents, picked up his school bag and ran upstairs to his room . He opened his door, to see his whole room empty, other than his clothes. Tae got changed and styled his hair.Tae looked at himself in the mirror and took a deep breathe, he couldn't believe he was actually going to be getting married to a mystery man. 'Ugh if it's someone I know and dislike, I will actually die. I hate literally everyone. If they are one of my followers around school, that will be so annoying' Tae's mind kept thinking of who it could be. Until he finally plucked up his courage and walked down stairs, with his school bag , so he could take it to were 'he'll be living.'
"You ready son?" Tae's dad asked. He silently nodded, actually felling very nervous for once in his life time. He slowly walked out the door, hoping this was going to go well...
Jungkook's pov:
Jungkook started walking home, enjoying the light breeze, whilst listening to music, he saw Tae and his group walking home in the distance, he smiled watching them because they all looked really happy. He finally reached his house, he walked through the door, and then bumped into someone, he looked up to see his dad standing right in the way.
"Ouch, dad what are you doing?" "Jungkook , can you follow me to the kitchen" His dad demanded.
Jungkook shrugged it off and sat down on one of the stools under the counter. His mum was sitting on the other side."Jungkook we have a serious matter to talk to you about. You can't say no for an answer, you have to do it, because its already been agreed... Jungkook you're getting married in 2 months" Jungkook's dad looked straight into his eye, showing that he wasn't joking.
"Pardon? I'm g-getting m-married.. To who? Why?" Jungkook said trying to calm down.
"He is the son of the Kim family, he's the same age as you, but a couple of months older. The Kim's company wants to merge companies together and this is the best way of doing it" Jungkook's mum explained.
' Kim.... that sounds very familiar. I mean it is very common, Kim...Kim Ta... NO... it couldn't be him, Could it?' Jungkook thought.
"When are we meeting them?" Jungkook just hesitatingly asked. "Urh 10 minutes, we are meeting at your new house, where you'll be living with him from today. We've already packed your belongings, your mum has left clothes for you to wear, so quickly go and get changed"Jungkook stood up slowly and bowed, to then go upstairs to get changed. 'Wow, I was not expecting that. BUT IM GETTING MARRIED...THIS IS FUCKING CRAZY! WHAT HAPPENS IF THE BOY HATES ME? HE MIGHT THINK I AM REALLY UGLY.. God I hope it's not someone I know and dislike' Jungkook thought as he was getting dressed into his dungarees.
"Right Jungkook, lets go" His dad called. Jungkook slowly walked down the stairs, so he doesn't go flying as his legs felt like jelly. He walked out the door praying this was going to go well....

the not so forced marriage
RomanceTae and Jungkook have an arranged marriage, but was it really forced and did they actually like the news... however Jungkook isn't popular and gets a lot of hate because he's with Tae. What is going to happen to Jungkook? What will Tae do? There ar...