Breaking news

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...three" Tae quickly wrapped the blanket around his back and Jungkook quickly turned over and snuggled back into Tae.

Tae looked down at Jungkook's face he then gazed his eyes to Jungkook's body. Tae was horrified. Blood covered most of the body. There were around 20 bite marks all over his chest. He had a straight line in the middle which was bleeding. The paramedics came close and looked at Jungkook's wounds.

"We need to take him to hospital now. Everyone who came a few days ago, jump in." They called. Tae picked up a very startled Jungkook. He wrapped him up with the blanket. Tae looked down at his shirt to notice the blood stains on it which were made from Jungkook. As Tae started picking Jungkook up he started screaming and squirming in Tae's arms.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" Jungkook screamed.

"What! What is it bun?" Tae said trying to keep Jungkook in his arms.
Jungkook started crying and breathing heavily. Let's just say Jungkook was still traumatized by the whole situation and was still not comfortable with personal touch and some people. Tae had a suspicion about it.

"Baby don't worry it's just me, I won't ever hurt you! Please don't worry, you're safe now" Tae said kissing Jungkook's forehead lightly. Jungkook nodded and tried to relax as Tae carried him to the ambulance. He placed Jungkook on the stretcher, and tucked the blanket around him.

The blanket had blood stains on it. Everyone else hopped in and the ambulance put the sirens on. The paramedics drove as fast as they could due to Jungkook loosing a lot of blood. The boys in the back tried to create small talk to keep Jungkook relaxed. However what they didn't know Jungkook was actually still bleeding and that he was becoming weaker and weaker.

Jungkook tried to focus on their voices but he was failing. He needed to tell Tae. He lightly taped Tae's hand, Tae looked at him. They made eye contact, Jungkook looked at him and shut his eyes. Tae shook Jungkook a bit, and he didn't respond. He's passed out from the loss of blood.

They had just arrived at the hospital they quickly opened the back of the ambulance. They saw that Jungkook had passed out again. They rushed him out and ran to the emergency floor. Tae and the rest knew they would have to wait till they had finished. So they just looked at each other and walked to the waiting room. They sat down and they had noticed the television was on. The boys went on their phone as they waited.

However as they waited they heard the television...

"BREAKING NEWS, BOY GOT ABUSED ON A LIVE STREAM!" All their heads popped up and stared at the screen. All their eyes widened, noticing it was about Jungkook.

"Some of you might have watched it yourselves! But a school boy named Jeon Jungkook was tied to a wall and faced some very brutal things. If you are sensitive to these topics I would suggest you should look away..." the news reporter said.

It then changed to a clip from the live someone had saved. It was a clip when Jungkook's top was getting cut off, but ended up cutting his skin as well. The video showed Jungkook crying and screaming as the figure cut through this skin.

Tae's eyes started to fill with tears, but he couldn't not watch. The clip ended and it went back to the news reporter.

"Mr Jeon was rushed to hospital a few minutes ago. He has lost a lot of blood, but we will update you. However for the people who did this to the poor boy. The police have confirmed their names, but for privacy reasons we aren't going to say who they are, although they have said it was 3 boys and they are in Jeon's year! In questioning the offender who actually hurt Jungkook, confessed why he did it."

"Quotes from the police he said-  I was in love with his boyfriend and jealously came over me, Jungkook deserves it. He doesn't deserve Tae. I don't know what Tae sees in him. I'm not sorry for my actions and Jungkook deserves it. In fact I hospitalized Jungkook a couple of days ago and put him in a coma!" Tae's voice dropped, he couldn't believe somebody hurt Jungkook because of jealousy.

"he claims he was jealous because he loves Tae. However we interviewed the schools coach. He said that he could see that Tae would do anything for Jungkook. He called the couple inseparable. The three boys will be facing court once

Jungkook gets out of hospital, but I don't think this will end well for the three boys. All our wishes goes out for Jeon Jungkook, his friends and family. We'll keep you updated! This is Bighit news." The television switched off. The other patients started whispering about it...


"Oh no I hope the poor boy is okay!" A lady said.
"Teenagers are becoming crazy now, just over love" The other lady replied.
Tae looked at them, tears flowed down his face. The two ladies looked at the crying boy.

"Are you Tae?" One the ladies said in sympathy. Tae nodded. She stood up and walked over to the boy. She opened up her arms, Tae stood up and she pulled him in for a hug.

"He'll be okay darling. Just stay strong. Don't blame yourself! Just don't ever let him go." She said rubbing his back.
"Thank you miss!" Tae sniffed as he pulled away from the embrace. Tae's friends just watched the situation. They were all touched by it!

It had been around an hour now. Thankfully Jin had his school bag with him which had a pack of uno in. All the boys had sat on the floor and played the game. They stayed away from their phones and just tried to keep each other relaxed. Until finally the receptionist called out

"JEON JUNGKOOK! Go to room 121 on floor 3"

Everyone helped clean up the cards. They stood up and walked to the lift. The two ladies had already left, but they had said their best wishes to the boys. They went in the lift and Namjoon pressed the button to take them to floor 3.
The doors opened and they all walked out. Tae took the lead and scanned the doors for 121.

Finally he came to the door. He faced it and shakily turned the door knob. They all walked in to see the doctor standing next to Jungkook who was laying on the bed, with his eyes shut.

"Hello kids. I would say it's nice to see you again, but the reason why your here isn't very nice."
Everyone bowed at the Doctor.

"I thought I would just tell you all, considering you've all been through a lot with Jungkook! So we've given Jungkook stitches. The cut a long hid chest was fairly deep. The bite marks song his body have all been treated for. Jungkook did lose a lot of blood. Thankfully we were able to give Jungkook a blood transfusion"

"He is still currently under anesthetic, so he should wake up in the next hour. You're lucky he was brought he in time. Once he wakes up he might be still traumatized. You might find him waking up screaming, it will be distressing to watch but you just need to calm him down. We usually get people who are close to them to calm the patients down, because incidents like these people don't like seeing people they aren't close too. Once he's calm press the button and I'll come to check on him!" They all nodded and thanked him.

"Jungkook is lucky to have you. I'm really sorry this is happening. But the boys have been caught so Jungkook should be safe now" He then said goodbye and walked out.
Everyone looked at each other and sat down, making themselves comfortable. Like last time Tae sat on the seat next to Jungkook.

It had been an hour. Tae was currently on his phone. Until he noticed Jungkook was tossing and turning. He was sweating a lot and breathing quickly. As Tae stood up to check on him. Jungkook...

I hope y'all are okay :) have a good day/ night 💕

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