Toliet break

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It had been a few days now, Jungkook was eating much better. All his bruises had been treated and they had all healed up. Tae was so proud of Jungkook. Tae was still classed as the heartthrob and everyone still had a crush on him, however the news about Jungkook soon quietened down after new gossip was made.

Apparently one of the history teachers and one of the maths teachers were caught having sex in the janitors closet. It spread around the school very quickly so everyone got bored of taking the piss out of Jungkook, because they knew it was annoying Tae and no one wanted to get on the bad side of the most popular boy in school. The group was as strong as ever with their friendship, everyone envied their group, their friendship was well and truly unbreakable.

They were all sitting together on their usual table at lunch. The boys all had their rugby match today and Jungkook would be on his own at school. They all felt bad and actually really worried. It was their first time leaving Jungkook on his own since he got out of hospital. The boys all started standing up picking up their belongings before bell goes. Tae stood in front on Jungkook and wrapprd his arms around Jungkook's waist. Jungkook giggled and draped his arms over Tae's shoulders.

"Now Koo are you sure you're going to be okay on your own. I can always ask coach if I can pull out" Tae asked for the hundredth time this morning.

"Taetae I promise. I'll be okay! I don't want to stop you from having some fun. I have English this afternoon so it's an easy lesson then I'll come straight to the match once the school day is over. Since it's a home match I'll come and cheer you all on." He said smiling at the others.

"Hm sure, you better come straight to the pitch once you're done and I'll make sure coach saves a seat next to him, so you can sit there" Tae said thinking of anything to make Jungkook somewhat protected.
"Okay hyungie!"

The bell rang, meaning Jungkook had to go to his lesson on his own while the others go to their rugby match. Tae pouted becoming quite worried.
Jungkook went onto his tip toes and kissed Tae on the lips. It was quite a lengthy kiss, but it was filled with love. They pulled away and smiled each other. They had both become more comfortable kissing in public, as they didn't care what people thought.

"You should probable go now , Taetae" Tae nodded.
"I miss you already" He said parting away from Jungkook. Jungkook quickly ran up and hugged him, then he let go and ran off to his class. Tae just laughed at his cute boyfriend and walked with the others to their match.

Time skip... (I'm lazy lmao)

Bell finally rang, the school day had finished. Jungkook's lesson was pretty chill. He sat at the back on his own, and no one really noticed him, which he was very thankful for. He managed to walk out of the class without anyone hitting him. However he did feel like someone was watching him.

But when he went to look behind no one was there, so he picked up his pace and walked in the massive crowd which were making their way to the field ready to watch the match. He got to the field and saw how busy it was. Everyone was sitting on the steps. Jungkook had never seen it so busy.

He started to get quite hot with the amount of people there. He quickly ran down the steps trying to look for the coach at the same time.

"Jungkook over here!" He heard a voice call. He looked at the very bottom row to see the coach waving his hands to get Jungkook's attention. He quickly ran down the steps and greeted the coach. They both sat down.

"How are they doing?" Jungkook asked as he was trying to find his boyfriend amongst all the boys running up and down the pitch.
"Yah they are doing good we are winning, 5 points ahead of the other team. But they will be having a half time soon" The coach replied.
Jungkook just nodded, he understood the basics of rugby and that's all he needed. 

He finally saw his boyfriend, his muscular arms and his muscular thighs showing through the tight trousers. Jungkook saw that Tae had got the ball. He watched as Tae sprinted across the whole pitch with the other team trying to chase after him, but Tae ran so fast they would never catch up.

He flew over the line meaning he just gained another 5 points for the team. Then the horn went meaning it's half time. Jungkook sat there as the whole team went in for a hug. Then Tae looked exactly where the coach sat when they first started the game and then turned his eyes next to him. There sat Jungkook smiling.

Tae started running over. When Jungkook realised he was running over he stood up and ran to him. They met in the middle and Jungkook jumped on him. Tae hugged him and span around in circles.

"Hello beautiful" Tae said.
"Hehe hello hyungie! Yah you were so good,I've never seen someone run so fast"
Tae laughed "I just imagined you running in front of me and I was trying to catch you"
Jungkook giggled. "you're so embarrassing!"
"It worked though!" Tae stated.

The teams were allowed a 40 minute break, due to some technical difficulties going on. The rest of the team walked up to where Tae and Jungkook were. They all walked back to their coach who was looking so proud.

"YASSSSSSS THATS MA BOYS!" The coach screamed. Everyone just laughed at him. They all sat down and go on their phones to pass time.
Jungkook tapped Tae.

"I'm just going to the toilet, you stay here and rest up, I'll be back in a few minutes! I'll call you if anything happens" Tae just hummed knowing that he wouldn't be able to protest against him.

Jungkook walked off, he walked through the massive crowd and went to the toilet. As he finished up, he felt someone tap his shoulder, he looked behind him and he got hit by something hard which knocked him out. The figure threw his phone to the side and dragged Jungkook away with 2 others.

Jungkook woke up with a throbbing headache. He looked around and saw that his arms and legs were tied to the wall. He also had tape on his mouth. He looked around to see where he was and noticed he was where the school's inside swimming pool is.

He heard one on the figures say something
"Right let's have some fun now, let's go live,so our whole school and more can see this."
Then there was a phone alert meaning he was live.
"Welcome everybody to our live, we are going to so much fun, with our special guest Jeon Jungkook. Let's get started shall we!"

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