Hang in there

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Jungkook arrived for his next class. Like his first lesson, everyone starred at him, then started talking about him
"just looking at that boy makes me sick"
"Why does Tae want to be friends with HIM"
"He's so fat and ugly, he must of put Tae under some kind of spell!"

Jungkook was becoming really upset. But he needed to focus on his work.
During the lesson Jungkook kept getting hit by screwed up paper. One of which hit his face. He noticed the words on the paper. Jungkook shakily unfolded it.
'YOU UGLY ASS, GO DIE, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY TAE' After reading it, a tear fell down his face. He knew this was going to happen. But he wanted to keep it a secret from Tae. He scrunched it up and put it into his bag.

A couple of hours later, the bell rang signalling for lunch.
As Jungkook was leaving class he was tripped up and his head smashed on the floor, causing it to bleed. He stood up and carried on waking holding his head in pain. Then all of a sudden someone grabbed Jungkook and threw him into a empty class room. Jungkook couldn't make out who it was as they had a mask on.

"No one EVER steals MY Tae" They spat. He slapped Jungkook around the face and then punched him. "YOU'RE A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! TAE DOESNT LIKE YOU" Jungkook stood there lifeless, with tears rolling down his face. This mystery person punched him a few more times until they finally decided to leave. Jungkook sat there completely unaware how much blood was on his face, and how he was covered in bruises.

He stood up and left the classroom. As he was walking to the canteen more people were looking at him. He opened the door and the whole canteen fell silent. Everyone looked at him. As he started walking to Tae he heard

"What a fucking slut"
"He should fucking die, everyone would be much happier if he died..."
"Looks likes the slut got what he deserved"
He could see Tae in the distance until he heard one last comment

"Kill yourself you ugly slut"

Tae and Jungkook locked eyes, everything just froze. Tae looked at his boyfriend, he saw the tears rolling down his face and blood covering his cheeks, with bruises around his eyes. Tae's heart skipped a few beats, in anger and pain.

Jungkook turned around and sprinted away. He shoved through people, while everyone around him just laughed. He ran towards the bathroom and went into one of the cubicles, locking it behind him. He screamed in pain, with tears and blood flowing down his face. Jungkook's stomach felt as if it was knotting, he turned around and started throwing up.

Meanwhile Tae watched Jungkook run away, he turned around and looked at Yoongi. Yoongi has never seen Tae so worried before. Yoongi just nodded and Tae ran off to find him. He saw Jungkook running to the bathroom, and as he got closer he heard muffled screaming. He quietly opened the door, to hear Jungkook crying.

Then just as he was about to speak, he got stopped by the sound of Jungkook throwing up. A rush of sadness ran through Tae's body. He slowly walked up to the cubicle. He knocked on the door.

"Please w-whoever you are d-don't hurt me again..." Jungkook cried.
"Kookie it's me" Tae's voiced cracked.

All of a sudden Jungkook unlocked the door and there stood Tae. Jungkook opened the door wider and Tae opened his arms out for the crying boy. Jungkook ran into his embrace, crying into his shoulder. Tae just held him devastatingly.

"It's going to be okay baby" Tae said. But he then realized there was no response and he couldn't feel Jungkook crying anymore. He looked down and saw Jungkook had passed out in his arms. He laid him down and called out for help, hoping someone could hear.
"HELP! YOONGI HYUNG " Tae cried.

Seconds later a few people came in. Tae looked up to see his group of friends looking at him concerned.
"JUNGKOOK HAS PASSED OUT" Tae screamed, as tears fell down his face.
No one has ever seen Tae cry before, so everyone knew this was serious.

"Right Tae I'm gonna lift Jungkook up and we are going to take him to the nurse. They will probably call an ambulance. Everyone calm Tae down as I'm taking Jungkook to the nurse and we'll all go in the ambulance" Yoongi demanded.

Yoongi lifted Jungkook up Bridal style and carried him to the nurse. Yoongi looked at his face and saw all the blood and bruising. He was horrified that someone actually did that.
"Hang in there Jungkook, do it for Tae, Please!" Yoongi whispered.

Yoongi carried him to the nurse. By Yoongi's surprise she didn't actually ask what happened all she said was that she'll call the ambulance right away, it shows how useless school nurses can be.

Meanwhile, the rest of the boys were with Tae, as instructed they had to calm Tae down before going to meet for the ambulance.

"It's going to be okay Tae, he's strong" Jimin started off saying.
Jin walked over to him and hugged Tae from behind "he's a little fighter, he'll be okay" Jin added.

"Also don't think about the person who did this to him, we need to focus on Jungkook first then we can hunt that bastard down" Hoseok yelled.
Tae looked up and saw all his friends around him, they all looked so worried and it made Tae grateful.
Namjoon bent down to where Tae was and wiped the tears off his face.

"Tae we all know how much you like him, but you have to stay strong. Wipe those tears and lets go to the nurses office. We don't want to miss out on going with him" Tae nodded and took Namjoon's hand to stand up. All the boys smiled and walked out. But as soon as they started walking down that corridor their smiles turned to frowns. They all gave the people around them death stares.

"Tae oppa, don't go with that slut, he's nothing but I'm always available" A girl called out. Tae's hands clenched together forming a fist. Then just as Tae was about to retaliate Jimin saw "Tae don't do it keep walking, ignore them"

Finally they got to the nurses office, they walked in the room to see Jungkook still unconscious and yoongi sitting there.
"Hey, the ambulance is on the way, he hasn't moved at all"
Tae's body went completely numb.

'Was this why he was nervous this morning! He knew that people were going to judge him. Aish why didn't I listen, It's all my fault. I swear when I get my hands on who ever did that to my boyfriend they will be a dead man' Tae got cut off his train of thoughts by Yoongi calling him.

"Tae come on let's go, the ambulance is here"
Tae looked at Jungkook and picked him up. They walked outside to see Namjoon and Jin talking to the paramedics. They ran over and told Tae to place him on the stretcher. Which they then wheeled into the van.

"We'll take all of you because you seem close, two of you come at the front with us, then the others can go at the back" one of the paramedics called.
Namjoon and Hoseok go at the front then the rest sit in the back with Jungkook.
Tae sat next to Jungkook. He took hold of his hand and laced their fingers together.
"Hang in there koo, please" Tae whispered.

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