Trigger Warning ⚠️
The figure walked up to Jungkook and stood inches apart from him. He pulled out a pocket knife, he turned around to look at the camera.
"You ready to start this fun off" he smirked.
"We have 10k viewers!" The guy holding the phone said.
"Ooo 10k people to see this bunny get what he deserves"
Jungkook tried screaming, but only muffled noises came out! His face was drenched with tears.
"stop crying, you faggot! Right let's shut you up!"He went to Jungkook's neck where the his top started and brought the pen knife up. He slowly cut down Jungkook's shirt, but as he was getting further down his chest the figure pushed harder, which caused Jungkook to cry out in pain. The top was ripped and as the shirt fell off now exposing the body, there was a long cut down his chest where the figure had cut his skin as well as the shirt. Jungkook winced in pain.
"Ooh nice mark you've got there, do you want me to touch it?" He then proceeded to push hard on the cut, making it bleed more and it stung a lot. Making Jungkook scream in pain.
"20k" the guy calls out.
"Hm what should we do now! Oh let's do 20 kisses for our lovely Bunny"
Jungkook was so scared. Praying Tae would come find him.The figure started kissing on Jungkook, biting as hard as he could on Jungkook's skin. He made 20 bite marks on Jungkook's body. They all looked deep and they all drew blood.
Jungkook screamed and cried in pain.
"Hahah I bet this boy thinks his boyfriend is going to come save him" The figure then turned to the camera.
"Did you know everyone, this slut has been very fucking selfish! Do you know why ladies and gentlemen. Because he stole the love of my life away from me. He made the love of my life not even want to acknowledge me. And so this brat needed some punishments, and what better than doing a live stream as he suffers for what he did"Jungkook looked at the camera shaking his head quickly.
"Okay bun what shall we do next.... I think some cuts will look good on that fat body of yours"
He turned back to face Jungkook again. He brought his pen knife closer, Jungkook squirmed in pain, frightened that he might die.
The knife pierced the skin, fortunately for Jungkook the cuts weren't too deep. However is body became numb from the loss of blood,Meanwhile....
The team was sitting in the floor, they still had 30 minutes left until they played again. Tae noticed Jungkook had been a while.
'Maybe he's just gone for a walk as it's really busy here, it's going to be okay....right? He did say that he would call if anything happens. But what if he can't call! What if he can't reach his phone! Or someone threatened him not to call me!' Tae thought to himself of all the scenarios that could be happening.However he decided that Jungkook will probably think he's being over protective so he proceeded to play Crossy Road on his phone, waiting until Jungkook was back.
As he was playing a notification popped up on his screen saying that somebody had gone live, but he didn't think anything of it as he knew it would just be a classmate doing a live as they wait for the half time break to be over. However Yoongi was watching a YouTube video and he kept getting bombarded with notifications. As he was trying to swipe the notifications away, he accidentally pressed on one.
It brought him to a live. He was about to click off when he saw someone tied to the wall who looked very familiar but couldn't really tell with the tape over his mouth. He turned to Jimin and showed him. He gasped and looked on his phone as well.
Tae's head popped up the minute Jungkook's name was mentioned, he started becoming really sweaty and anxious.
"w-what's happening?" Tae asked quickly.
"TAE WE NEED TO FIND JUNGKOOK NOW!" Yoongi screeched."WHY WHATS GOING ON?" Tae said panicking.
Jimin quickly showed him his phone. Tae felt a wave of anger rush over him. His baby looked so frightened. He then saw that they were cutting Jungkook's shirt, as the shirt pulled away it showed his body was bleeding.
"FUCK SAKE" Tae screamed in pure anger. Everyone looked and they all became worried. The whole rugby team noticed what was going on. Even Hanbin and his friends.
Tae looked shocked when he saw Hanbin stand up."Tae we got on the wrong foot, You and Jungkook are cute together. I shouldn't of made fun of him. He means a lot to you! My dads a police officer and they are breaking the law. We will help"
Tae needed all the help he could get at this point. He nodded his head."Thank you"
"Right does anyone recognise where they are?" Namjoon stated.
"YES WAIT! That's the indoor swimming pool" Seokjin mentioned.
"Right I'm on call with my dad now , he's 2 minutes away. He got his sirens on. I'll meet you there! Tae whatever you do, don't go in, I know you're scared but he has a weapon! My dads a minute away." Hanbin shouted.Tae started running to the place to be there when the police arrived. The group chased after him, following behind. They run across the field, running faster than they've ever done before. Tae sprinted in the direction of the indoor swimming pool. He felt tears prick his eyes but then a wave of frustration and anger engulfed him. Tae was fuming, but that didn't stop him from running. He didn't slow down, if he slowed down his boyfriend will hurt more.
Eventually they made it outside the inside pool. To be able to get in they would have to go through one door to then go through double doors which would take them to the indoor swimming pool. Tae was about to go through the door until he felt a hand grab his wrist and pull him to the side.
"Are you fucking crazy?" Yoongi whispered in a harsh tone.
"I get you're worried and full of anger but you running in there could make situations much worse" He added on. Tae realised that he could of messed everything up.Although Tae was about to say something back he heard shuffling coming from opposite them. They all got scared and huddled up, to then see that there were loads of police surrounding the building.
"Are they in there?" The one at the front whispered.
Tae nodded.The watched as the policeman at the front counted down from 3 and used a hand gesture meaning they were going in. All the police followed each other in. One policeman stayed with Tae and the others at the back. He whispered we will go in as well but you must stay behind me and crouch down until the offenders have been put into a arm lock, and we know they can't escape.
They all nodded and followed the man.
They all crouched down walking in close together.
They heard someone shout....
"DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP WHERE I CAN SEE THEM... NOW!"I'm kinda proud of how this chapter turned out

the not so forced marriage
RomanceTae and Jungkook have an arranged marriage, but was it really forced and did they actually like the news... however Jungkook isn't popular and gets a lot of hate because he's with Tae. What is going to happen to Jungkook? What will Tae do? There ar...