Bunny smile

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"Yes, thankfully. If no one had been in the room at the time, he wouldn't of made it"
Tae wiped his face and let out a deep sigh.
"However, I'm not sure how this incident happened, because a wire had been pulled out, and it was the wire which circulated the oxygen for him to breathe, did anyone trip on it or anything?" The Doctor asked out of curiosity.

"No sir, actually I caught it on video" Yoongi ran over to grab his phone, leaving Tae and the Doctor in confusion.
He held it in front of them and then played the video of the nurse unplugging the wire. When it ended the Doctor was so shocked and apologetic however Tae was in so much anger, he walked up to the wall and punched it really hard.

"I can't believe she tried to fucking kill Jungkook" Tae said sitting back down holding his now bleeding hand.
"Why would she do such a thing?" The Doctor asked.

"well last night she came in the room to give us all blankets, she then tried hitting on Tae which then moved onto her asking him to go round hers after her shift. But Tae said no many times, and said that Jungkook was his boyfriend. So then she called Jungkook ugly, then proceeding to say ' I know you want me' and then I told her to leave" Yoongi summed up making it clear for the Doctor.

"thank you very much, I will report this as soon as possible, please save that video as the police will want to see it! Jungkook is still in his coma, hopefully he will wake up in the next day or two. Also let me get you a bandage for that" He said walking over to a draw and pulling out a bandage. He walked up to Tae and wrapped it around his hand, from punching the wall.
"Oh thank you" Tae said gratefully.
"I'm really sorry again" The Doctor bowed and walked out the room.

Moment later all the boys returned with bags full with things. They all looked at Tae and Yoongi.
"Why does it look like someone nearly died in here?" Hoseok asked, not knowing why it was messy and depressing in the room.

"Because someone nearly did" Yoongi stated bluntly.
"Wait what, I was only joking" Hoseok said in a scared tone.
"I wasn't, Jungkook nearly died..."
"Don't say that" Tae said with a muffled voice.

"The nurse which came in last night, pulled the wire which was attached to the machine which circulates the oxygen to help Jungkook breathe, thankfully I was in the room and also got it recorded."
Everyone's faced looked shocked and disgusted. Yoongi walked over and showed the video.

"That's disgusting" Namjoon said.
"That's not humane!" Seokjin added.
"What happed to your hand Tae?" Jimin asked.
"Ah he punched the wall out of anger." Yoongi answered for him.
Jimin made a 'oh' expression.

Time skip...

It has now been 3 days since Jungkook collapsed and ended up in a mild coma. Tae and the rest of them have been there all day and night, Tae not leaving his side. Tae had ended up breaking his knuckles when punching the wall so his palm and knuckles had been wrapped with a bandage.

It was night time, all the boys were asleep other than Tae.
Tae gripped onto Jungkook's hand tightly.
"Hey Jungkook, it's 4 days since we've been together. I'm really sorry that this has happened to you, I really didn't mean for this to happen. To watch the person I've had a crush on to then become my boyfriend, in hospital, in a coma. I haven't told our parents that your here. I figured you wouldn't want them knowing, so I haven't told them. I hope you wake up soon. I miss you, I miss you a lot Jungkook. I miss your bunny smile and your voice. I miss the warmth in your hand. Please wake up, I'm struggling without you baby, please!" Tae wiped his tears still holding the youngers hand.

Jungkook POV:

'I can hear you but why can't I talk. Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. I miss you Tae, please just wait a little bit more, don't struggle. I'm still here'

Back in 3rd POV:

Jungkook's heart broke when he felt his boyfriend wipe a tear away whilst holding Jungkook's hand. This made Jungkook so sad that he cried, he thought he was crying on the inside as he thought he was still in the coma but little did he know he is starting to wake up.

"Come on Tae pull yourself together" He muttered to himself as he was fiddling with Jungkook's fingers. But those cold, lifeless fingers started to move.
Tae was looking at the floor when he felt that the fingers he was playing with folded, folding on Tae's finger.

He looked up and saw the fingers had moved on his own. He then looked at the younger's face and saw a tear rolling down his cheek. Tae started welling up knowing he was finally waking up. The really pale face started turning a pinkish colour.

More tears fell down Jungkook's face. Tae then felt a grip on his hand and saw Jungkook had clenched his hand to hold Tae's hand. Tae leant over and pressed the button signaling for the Doctor which he had been advised to do when he thought Jungkook was waking up.

Jungkook then started wiggling around on his bed to then finally flutter his eyes open. Tae started becoming over whelmed as Jungkook finally managed to open his eyes.

"Hey baby" Tae said stroking Jungkook's forehead moving his hair out of his face.
Jungkook looked up to see a crying Tae.
He tried to speak but he couldn't and he couldn't anyway because the gas mask was still on.

Then just in time the Doctor walked in.
"Hello sleepy head" The Doctor chuckled.
"You won't be able to talk for a little while because you haven't used your voice in 3 days. Keep the gas mask on until I come in the morning. Have good night boys, try and get some rest" he said patting Tae's shoulder. Tae bowed and sat down.

"You don't understand how much I've missed you. I'm really sorry Jungkook, I didn't mean for any of this to happen" Tae said kissing Jungkook's hand which caused Jungkook to blush and show his bunny smile.

"Awe you're so cute, I finally get to see your bunny smile again" Jungkook couldn't hide so he just faced the fact he was blushing. He turned his face becoming startled at all the boys sleeping across the room. He darted his eyes back at Tae.

"Ah them, they've been here with me the whole time. They came on the ambulance with us. They've been so worried about you, and I know you're nervous but they really like you koo and they want to get to know you more" Jungkook nodded his head and smiled.
"Now let's get some rest so we can talk in the morning" Tae said settling down
"Goodnight baby boy" Tae hummed.
Jungkook blushed at the nickname and shut his eyes to sleep.

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