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They both made their way to the bed. They sat opposite each other, with a gap between them. They locked eyes, and neither looked away. However Jungkook was becoming embarrassed so he coughed making Tae realise that he was uncomfortable.

"Uh lets start off easy... what's your favourite colour?" Tae asked smiling.
"Um probably black or red, but it changes a lot" Jungkook grinned. "What's yours?"
"Purple, I love purple" Tae passionately said. Jungkook just watched and laughed.
" urh what's your favourite animal?" Tae asked.

"Um probably a bunny" Jungkook blushed.
"A bunny, why's that? Is it because you look like one, because if that is the reason that's the cutest thing ever' Jungkook just noded a little in embarrassment. "W-what's yours?" Jungkook choked.
"Um I really like tigers, They go Rahhhhhhhh" Tae imitated making Jungkook giggle at his silliness.

After a while they managed to get through every question they could think of. But Tae had a couple more questions that he wanted to know the answer too.
"Jungkook" Tae called out trying to make sure he had the younger's full attention on him.

"I want to ask you a few more questions and you have to answer me honestly, and if you want to ask them back ask me after I've finished all the questions and I'm not taking no for an answer..." Tae demanded but in a way that wouldn't scare Jungkook.
"Uh o-okay" Jungkook bit his lip nervously.

"Question 1, why do you hang around at school on your own every day?" Tae started off a little easy.
"oh uh, nobody has ever wanted to be friends with me and they all think I'm u-gly and weird"             
"Kookie you're not weird and definitely not ugly. You're so cute and pretty, don't let anyone put you down" Tae said with a smile. Jungkook blushed and played with his sleeve shyly.

"Okay question 2, what's your sexuality?"
"Um I'm g-gay" Jungkook said embarrassed.
"Okay question 3- do you have a crush" Tae asked.
"Um n-no" Jungkook lied, because he was embarrassed, but he knows that Tae knows he's lying.
"Wrong. Kook, you have to answer me truthfully. Everyone has a crush if they are single!" Tae smirked.
"okay y-yes I do have a c-crush" Jungkook stuttered.

"Question 4- who is your crush? And Jeon Jungkook don't you dare lie to me. I can tell if you do lie to me" Tae internally screamed.
"Please don't be annoyed or disgusted because you'll probably think I'm an idiot and"

"Jungkook I won't judge, just tell me" Tae impatiently waited.
Jungkook took a deep breathe and muttered "you."

Tae looked at the boy with his mouth agape. He was so shocked. He thought he was going to say Jimin for some reason. Tae literally screamed in his head, he was speechless. Where as the other side Jungkook, was having a full on panic attack. Although they are having an arranged marriage, it's still a big thing. Jungkook just admitted he had a crush on Tae. He was freaking out because Tae hadn't said anything yet, Jungkook doesn't even want to look at his face.

Then just as Tae was going to say something Mrs Kim called up to the boys...
"Boys come down stairs now for dinner"
Jungkook got up as quick as he could and sped down stairs, not even wanting to look at Tae after his confession. 'Thank you heaven for saving me' Jungkook thought as he was running down the stairs.

Tae was left there, laughing his head off because he's never seen someone run so fast to get out of a situation like that. Tae regretted not saying anything back, but he'll tell Jungkook later on how he feels. So he got up from were he was sitting and made his way down the stairs. He turned a few corners and finally ended up in the kitchen.

Mr and Mrs Jeon was sitting opposite each other. Next to Mr Jeon sat Mr Kim and opposite him was Mrs Kim then Jungkook was at the end next to Mrs Kim and so opposite him was going to be Tae.

Tae noticed that Jungkook was still looking rather nervous, as he kept picking at the hem of his shirt. He walked over and sat on the seat opposite him. Mrs Jeon stood up and brought the plates over. In the middle of the table laid a whole range of food. From fried rice to stew to kimchi. Everyone started to eat, Tae looked over and saw Jungkook only taking a small portion. The parents were chatting away.

"oh I didn't even realise, I didn't get you boys a drink!" Mrs Kim said apologetically.
"O-oh it's okay I can get it" Jungkook stood up and walked over to get two glasses. But as he walked over to the table he tripped on Mrs Jeon's bag and the two glasses shattered. Jungkook starts picking the glass up, as he felt really bad.
"Jungkook, you stupid boy, why are you so clumsy" Mr Jeon says shamefully.

All the adults start talking, not even caring for Jungkook. However Tae leapt from his chair and went to help. He ran to go find a dust pan and brush. After a few minutes of looking he found one, and rushed back to the kitchen with Jungkook crouching down still picking the glass up with his bare hands.

Tae pulled him back and quickly swept the glass. Jungkook feeling really bad that Tae is cleaning up his mess. As he watched Tae he realised that his hands are all cut up and bleeding everywhere. He then felt pain in his ankle and he noticed he had a massive cut on his ankle. But he didn't care he just wanted to get everything clean.

He stood up and walked over to Tae and grabbed Tae's wrists forgetting he had blood and cuts all over his hands and took the dust pan and brush to finish cleaning. After a while he finally finished, no glass left on the floor, the boys finally sat back down. As Tae was about to eat, he saw that Jungkook looked like he was wincing. As Tae looked down he looked at his own wrist and saw there was a blood stain.

'But I never touched the glass so how have I got blood on my wrist.... WAIT Jungkook moved me out the way by grabbing my wrist. He's cut himself on the glass.' Tae thought.
Jungkook stood up, and walked off without saying anything. Before anyone could even ask he was already out of the room.

Jungkook ran to the bathroom, and shut the door behind him, he couldn't lock it because his hands hurt to much. He walked over to the sink and turned the tap on with his elbow. Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror, tears were falling down his face from pain and because of his dad.
Jungkook counted "3...2....1...." and threw his cut hands under the water. He let out a muffled scream. 'It's not like they would care if they heard me anyway' Jungkook thought.

Meanwhile Tae was wondering where he went, then he heard a quiet scream coming from the closest bathroom. Tae new he had to go help Jungkook so he stood up from his seat and started walking.
"Are you okay Tae?" Mrs Kim asked.
"Yes mum I'm just going to check on Jungkook, I'll be back in a minute" with that being said Tae walked off.

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