Chased and Saved

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"Come on, we're almost there!" John ran down the flights of stairs with me following behind him. It didn't take long for us to reach the bottom and burst through the door. We ran straight to his bike, John hopping on first and started to try and start it. Ii sat behind him and kept an eye of the door we just came out of.

"Come on!" he shouted as he kept trying. My eyes widened as the thing walked out of the stairwell. "COME ON!"

The bike started thankfully and he tore out of the parking spot and through the parking lot, the cop thing starting to run after us. A car was pulling out ahead so John turned and we jumped over the ledge and bushes, landing in the street. He turned once we got into the road, making a tow truck swerve behind us.

I heard a crash behind me, making me look and saw the black tow truck was coming at us. "Great, that thing hijacked a fucking truck!"

We rode on the main road until John turned and went down into a flood channel before stopping and looking back.

"You think we lost him?" John asked me.

I opened my mouth to answer until the sound of screeching tires filled the air. We looked up and saw the truck came crashing into the channel.

"We certainly did not. GO!"

John tore down the channel, the truck in hot pursuit. It didn't take long for John to drive into a much smaller channel, but the truck still followed us, making be groan. I heard a few gunshots but didn't dare turn around.

We went over an overpass and I heard the screech of metal being ripped from somewhere. I looked behind me and saw the roof of the truck was gone, giving me hope until it was dashed when the cop thing reappeared, pushing the broken windshield out of the way. He hit the back of the bike, jolting us forward and I tightened my grip on John's torso.

I glanced behind me and saw the truck slamming into both walls, making me frown at why he was doing that. I was giving my answer when the guy from before managed to go around the truck and beside us. I let John go and leaned back so the guy could grab him and bring him in front of him. He shifted forward and grabbed onto the handlebars quickly.

"Come on!" shouted John. "Jump!"

"I can't yet!" I shouted back, trying to keep the bike stable.

The guy suddenly took out his shotgun, aimed and shot a tire out, causing the truck to become out of control. The guy put is gun back and John motioned me to jump. I swallowed, got ready and jumped. A hand was quick to snatch my arm and used my momentum to pull me onto the back of the bike just as John's fell and got ran over.

We went under another overpass and made it through, the truck....not so much. It exploded behind us after hitting it and the guy stopped once we were a safe distance away. He took out his gun and aimed at the flames but the only thing to come out was a flaming tire. He put the gun back and drove off.

I leaned my forehead against the guys back, taking a deep breath to try and calm my nerves and try to wrap my head around what just happened.

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