26: I'm Coming After You

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As William lay flat on his back coughing trying to catch his breath from having the wind knocked out of him, Ace pulled him up by his shirt to his feet. Holding William by the shirt with one hand, he punched him repeatedly in the face until William tried kneeing him. Ace jumped back before he had the chance to, and that's when William swung on him and caught him in the jaw. Ace stumbled back.

"That's all you got muthafucka?" Ace spit blood from his mouth and chuckled prepared to kill William here. "That's all you muthafuckin' got?"

As he was about to attack him the door opened behind him and before he could turn around he was grabbed by two officers while a third one closed the door standing by it. William had gotten the detective to bring him in so he could finally kill Ace. At this point he was paying the whole department to turn a blind eye to what was about to happen today. When his son Nate had been killed he had a feeling that he knew who was behind it although he had plenty of other enemies. There was just something about Ace that he despised. Maybe it was the fact that he was just like his father. He was the spitting image. His demeanor. The way he cared for his employees as if they were his real blood. He had a connection with everyone he considered family. Something William didn't really have with his own boys. He treated his children like employees and was always tough on them. He treated them like people on the street feeling like had to be tough on them or else they'd take advantage of him.

"Can't kill me or fight me fair so you get these pig muthafuckas to haul me in huh?" Ace laughed as the officers tightened their grip on him. "You straight pussy." He told William who was rolling up his sleeves.

"Let's see." William said punching Ace in the stomach over and over. While it did hurt he wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of seeing it on his face so he took his hits like a man. "Oh you tough huh?" William chuckled as Ace clenched his jaw.

"You lucky these muthafuckas holding me. I swear to God!" He said angrily trying to break free and get his hands on William.

"Give it here." William held his hand out looking at the officer who stood behind the door. The officer placed his police baton in William's hand as the other two officers let Ace go and he fell on his knees. Ace tried catching his breath for a few seconds but before he could get up he felt a hard blow to his back making him fall flat on his stomach as he grunted out in pain. As he planted his hands on the floor prepared to push himself up William hit him so hard in the back it knocked the wind out of him as he went back down.

"YOU MUTHAFUCKA! I'ma kill you!" Ace coughed. "I'ma come after ALL of you muthafuckas and your families!"

Meanwhile outside of the interrogation room Zay was giving the whole department hell. "Nah. Where he at?! Where the fuck my brother at??? Somebody better tell me something or I swear to god I'll get the goddamn news people down here and you can explain how you've kept an innocent man down here the whole day with no evidence of anything. This shít is harassment! You muthafuckas BEEN out to get him. Where he at?!?" His voice boomed through the whole station as the officers kept their hands on their guns. With Zay being associated with Ace they knew that they had to stay prepared because he was capable of anything.


"Where my bro at bitch?" Zay frowned pushing his hair out of his face not wanting to hear anything but the answer to his question.

Hearing the commotion Ace was walked out of the interrogation room and seeing that he could barely stand Zay almost pulled out his gun

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Hearing the commotion Ace was walked out of the interrogation room and seeing that he could barely stand Zay almost pulled out his gun. His nostrils flared walking over to Ace throwing his arm over his shoulder to hold him up. As the two men looked around the station they both kept the images of everyone's faces in their minds. For nobody to even stop what they knew what was possibly going on in that interrogation room Ace now knew that the whole department was on William's side and that he had no pull whatsoever with them. If William snapped his fingers they'd do what he'd say when he said.

"I got you." Zay frowned harder clenching his jaw as he decided he'd take Ace out the back door for his own reasons. He already knew what he wanted to do. He just needed Ace to give him the word. A battered and bruised Ace was too weak to do anything right now. Too weak to argue. Too weak to fight. Too weak to go after William and the cops. This was Zay's opportunity to stand up for his brother. He'd always been loyal to Ace. They'd been boys since forever. Ace had never switched up on him and he wouldn't do it to him. They were family and family looked after and protected family always.

Bianca had called Zay on her way to the hospital to tell him that she needed him to go be there for Ace who'd been taken down to the station. She told him to tell him that there had been a small accident with Skye that she had to go to the hospital for but when she'd said that she didn't expect for it to be this serious. Zay had mentioned it to Ace the moment he got him in the car and away from the station and in hearing it Ace made him race home thinking that Skye was out of the hospital and at home now. Neither of them knew that she'd died tonight.

Pulling up to the mansion they noticed that Ro and Erin were locked outside of the gate and the two bodyguards weren't letting them in. Rolling down his window Ace stuck his head out. "Why y'all standing outside the gate?" He asked them. "Yo, Diego what's going on? Why my brother and sister standing out here?" He asked the guard. "Open the gate."

"No disrespect boss but I can only let you in. The lady of the house told me to keep them out." Diego said.

"I appreciate you following her orders but I'm here now so you can open—"

"I'm sorry boss but she said that once you hear what she has to tell you that you're not gonna want them here." Diego said. Erin and Ro stood there with dumb looks on their faces as they looked at Ace who was giving them questioning looks.

"Want me to call B?" Zay asked wondering what had really happened tonight. Ace pulled at his chin hair staring at Ro who looked nonchalant and annoyed.

"Man this is bullshit. Big bro tell these bitch ass niggas to open the gate. We live here and they disrespecting us for that bitch.." Ro clenched his jaw pointing at the mansion.

"Nigga the who?" Ace opened the door to get out. No matter how hurt he was he'd still whoop Ro's ass for disrespecting his woman.

"Don't open that fucking gate for them!" Bianca came running out of the mansion towards the gate with the gun in her hand. Everyone's heads snapped in her direction and Diego and the other guard Samuel grabbed her wrestling the gun out of her hand. "They....they killed Skye!" She cried out falling to her knees as tears spilled from her eyes.

At the sound of that Ace's heart just....stopped.

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