27: Moving Foul

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Jayceon "Ace" Fields

My heart must've sunken down into the pit of my stomach because I didn't want to believe for even a second that I'd heard what I'd just heard. I looked at Bianca through the gate seeing how torn she was knowing that she loved my daughter— our daughter just as much as me. The hurt in her eyes. The bloodcurdling screams. I even looked at Zay without blinking to see if I'd heard what I'd just heard. He clenched his jaw staring at me as he kept his hand on his waist as if he was waiting for me to give him the signal to air it out. I closed my eyes and all I could hear was Bianca's sobs, Erin and Ro trying to explain, and Zay asking me what I wanted to do. I couldn't hear myself think. I'd been through enough tonight only to come home to hear that my child had died. Been killed Bianca said. I didn't understand what the fuck that meant but I know that once it all registered in my mind that I'd heard what I'd just heard my eyes widened and I wrapped my hands tightly around Ro and Erin's throats shoving them back up against the gate damn near forcing them through it.

"Kill them! Kill them Jay!" Bianca screamed out as I squeezed their throats tighter.

It was if I'd gained my strength back after taking that beaten I'd taken tonight because I found myself picking them both up off of the ground by their goddamn necks. Erin tried to pry my hand from around her throat while Ro tried playing that tough role. I knew him better than anybody and he'd always been soft as cotton. He was fronting right about now and I knew that because the nigga was turning blue in the face.

The gate slid open and I dropped them watching as they both landed on their backs coughing uncontrollably. "Kill them Jay!" Bianca cried as Samuel held her. "They killed our baby! THEY KILLED OUR BABY! Let me go!" She sobbed.

I closed my eyes hearing the break in her voice as she yelled it once more. I tried. I tried not to she'd tears right here. I tried not to allow myself to believe that those words were true. Two people that I loved would never hurt my child or allow anything bad to to happen to her. Then again the woman I was in love with would never lie to me. If she'd said it then it was...true.

I opened my eyes and looked down at Ro and Erin. "Get these muthafuckas in the house." I told my guards.

"Ace just please—"

"I don't wanna hear SHIT!" I yelled at Erin as Samuel snatched her up off of the ground and Diego grabbed Ro who was trying to fight him off. Zay had to step in to help take his ass to the house since he wanted to be dramatic. I leaned up against the car and placed my hand over my eyes and just let the tears flow when they were out of my sight.

"Baby.." Bianca whimpered reaching up to wrap her arms around my neck as I leaned down and cried on her shoulder. That was all I could do. I should've been home today. I should've been here with my own fucking child. Once her mother had left when she was a baby I should've gotten out of this life. I should've stopped all of this shit and taken Skye and started a new life. I cried on my woman listening to her soft cries for a couple of minutes before finally standing up straight and wiping my eyes.

"What did they do to you?" She asked me seeing the bruise on my face, the cut above my eyebrow, and my busted lip. "They hurt you." Her eyes watered again and she wrapped her arms around my torso hugging me. I hissed and she jumped back.

"I....I'm sorry." She said.

I sniffled staring at her intently still trying to process everything. Within minutes my sadness had been replaced with coldness. Anger. Hatred.

"They killed Skye? Murdered her?" I asked.

"No." She shook her head. "I just— I need to tell you what happened. What really happened. When I say killed her I feel like they did because they were....they were negligent. Ace they've been sleeping together and they let that get in the way of looking after Skye. Baby when I got home they were already at the hospital and didn't call to tell me. I had to hear it from the maid. One of them turned the cameras off in the hallway but..."

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