Chapter 2: Hey girl!

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Marinette heard a knock at her door and she knew it was Alya. While she was excited to see her best friend, she was also worried about how she'd react to meeting Luna.

  Alya was the one person who Marinette was willing to have meet her daughter. She was just hoping that Alya wouldn't tell anyone else. Luna's safety and happiness was the most important thing to Marinette and if she has to hide her existence from her friends, then so be it.


Marinette's POV:

   I opened the door and Alya tackled me to the floor in a tight hug. I hit my head but I didn't care. I'm just happy to see my best friend again.

"Hey girl! I've missed you so much!" She cried with tears of joy in her eyes.

I grunted uncomfortably. "I've missed you too Alya, but I can't breathe. Could you loosen your grip?"

Alya immediately let go of me. "Oops, sorry about that." She said with a smile on her face and while rubbing her neck sheepishly.

Alya stood up and then helped me off the floor. I couldn't help but think that as a werewolf, I should've been a bit more agile and dodged her before she could knock me to the floor.

  I think subconsciously that I didn't wanna dodge her. Even though I ended up hitting my head, I don't regret it. It was nice to know just how much Alya missed me.


Alya's POV:

  There's something different about Marinette. It's not just that she's wearing her hair down now, it's something more. She seems more grown up and a little distant. I guess living in China changed her.


Marinette's POV:

   I welcomed Alya in the door and led her up to my bedroom, where there were many unpacked boxes. We sat down on my bed and started to chat, it felt like old times. Almost like I never left.

I talked with Alya about everything I've been doing in China, excluding the part where I have a daughter and that I'm a werewolf obviously. And she's told me all about how her life has been. I felt like nothing had changed and that I was a normal teenager again. But of course, I didn't feel that way for long. A few minutes later, a reminder of how much things have changed came bounding into my room.

"Mommy!!!!!!" Luna shouted.


Narrator's POV:

   Luna ran into marinette's room and jumped into her arms giggling. Instead of being annoyed, Marinette couldn't help but smile at her little girl. But then she looked up and saw Alya's face and knew that she had some serious explaining to do.


Edited: March 11th, 2024

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