I could use your help: authors note

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  Hiya everyone! I'm really sorry that I didn't publish a chapter last week. I just couldn't seem to find the motivation to write one for this story. As I've said before, I'm not really part of this fandom anymore. In fact, I've lost all interest in it. That being said, I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on this story and I truly appreciate the support you all are giving me. It makes me happy to know that my writing is enjoyed by others. But I'm having a serious case of writers block right now and I could use your help.

  As I've mentioned in previous authors notes, I have a good plot twist idea that will make this story more interesting. But that won't be for a few chapters. So besides the reveal of Marinette's wolf side to Adrien in the next chapter, I have no clue what to write as a chapter until we get to the plot twist.

I'm trying not to rush this story because I don't want my writing to suffer from my impatience to finish the project. But because I'm trying not to rush this story, I've run out of ideas. See, I've hit a road block and I can't seem to get around it. That's where you guys come in. Since people keep encouraging me to write more chapters and a lot if you seem to like this story, I'm asking you to submit new chapter ideas for me that might help further the plot.

Leave your ideas in the comments and I'll pick a couple of your ideas and make them into chapters, and of course, I will give credit where credit is due. If you guys are unsure of what kind of chapters to suggest that will further the plot, I will give you a little spoiler for the plot twist to help fuel your minds with creative ideas...

    ...the plot twist has to due with the reveal of Luna's biological father.

  I won't be giving you any more details than that, but you should know that I already planned out his entrance into the story so I don't need help there. I just need your help to get to that point in the story.

Now you guys are probably wondering why I get writers block so often, well I'm going to tell you right now, I don't plan out the chapters before hand. I make them up as I write.

  I know that most writers on this app write out their chapter ideas on paper first, before writing it on here. But to me, I feel that that limits my room for creativity. I feel that if I make up what happens in the story as I go along, there's more room for creativity and change (I also seem to find inspiration that way).

That being said, I always have a rough idea of how I want my stories to go, but how I get to the end is almost always made up in the spur of the moment. Aside from the plot twist that I've had planned since the beginning, I've made up things as I go along. That's one of the many reasons that this story is taking so long. Sometimes I don't like how a chapter turned out and I'll go back and make changes. However at this moment in time, I've run out if inspiration. So I'd really appreciate some help from you, my loyal readers who have always supported me. I know it's a lot to ask, but it would be a huge help and I'd be very grateful.

Now, I might not write the chapters you suggest exactly how you imagined them, but I will definitely use your suggestions as a basis for the chapter and incorporate your ideas into the story. Afterwards, at the end of the chapter, I will leave a note thanking those of you who helped inspire the chapters in this story.

So please, send me your suggestions, write them in the comments section and I will pick a few of them. Again, I'd be really grateful if you did so.

  Thanks for your time, and I look forward to seeing some creative ideas from you guys.

  Isabel Lander

P.S: I might not publish a chapter this week, because I have a lot of other stories that I'm working on. However if I do publish one, it won't be till the end of the week. I hope you understand 🙂

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