Chapter 17: Okay, here's what happened...

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After retrieving my clothes and getting dressed, Adrien and I made our way out of the forest.

I was slowly healing from my wounds but they were still slowing me down. Adrien's chest wound was almost completely gone, all that remained was his bite wound. I still can't believe that I bit him or that he's my mate. We walked hand in hand. I was feeling happy, but he was frowning which concerned me.

  "Adrien? What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me and gave me a nervous smile. "It's nothing." He replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't say that, because I know it's not nothing. Remember, I'm the Queen of pretending that something is nothing." I said. He sighed. "I'm just worried about Luka's body." He said.

  I arched a brow. "How so?" I inquired. "Well, what are people gonna think when they find it?" He asked. I smiled. "Don't worry about it. When they find his body, they'll find animal hair, suggesting that he was killed by an animal. No one will know that it was me." I explained.

Adrien sighed in relief. "That's good to hear." He said and I nodded. "What we really need to worry about now, is treating our injuries. I'll bring you to my house and treat you there." I said and he agreed. After that, we walked the rest of the way in silence.

~30 minutes later~

Adrien and I entered my house and I was surprised to find that no one was home.

  "Here, take a seat on the couch. I'll go get the first aid kit." I instructed. Adrien nodded and made his way over to the couch while I went upstairs to fetch the first aid kit.


   Marinette entered her room and grabbed the first aid kit off her nightstand. Her phone was on the bed and she decided to call her parents to find out where they were. The line rang once and her mother picked up. "Marinette, are you alright?" Sabine asked.

"I'm fine mom. I just got home. Where are you guys?" Marinette replied.

  "Oh, we took Luna out to breakfast. We'll be home soon." Sabine replied.

  "Okay, well I'll see you soon then." Marinette said before hanging up the phone.


  After talking with my mother, I made my way downstairs and sat down on the couch next to Adrien. "Take off your shirt." I said as I opened the first aid kit.

Adrien turned beet red and looked away from me. I rolled my eyes. "Your shirt is ruined anyways, and besides you saw me naked earlier and you don't see me freaking out." I said. Adrien sighed and pulled off his shirt, he had a little difficulty though so I helped him.

I couldn't help but blush when I saw his muscular
figure but shook my head and ignored it. Afterwards, I started applying ointment to his wounds.

'I believe that you're blushing miss Marinette.' Selene said in a teasing voice.

  I just rolled my eyes playfully and ignored her and continued to apply ointment on Adrien. "Sorry if this is a little cold." I said as applied some ointment to his shoulder.

"It's fine. I'm not bothered by it." Adrien replied blushing and not making eye contact with me.

I laughed and he arched a brow. "What's so funny?" He asked. I smiled. "It's just funny that you're embarrassed by me applying ointment to your wounds, but you weren't embarrassed when I hugged you while naked." I said teasing playfully.

  Adrien blushed even harder. "Yeah, well at that time it didn't matter to me that you were naked, I was just happy that you were alright." He retorted. I stopped applying ointment and looked down at the ground with a frown in my face.


   Marinette looked at the ground with a frown on her face. Adrien looked down at her in concern. "Is something wrong?" He inquired.

  "Adrien, do you hate me now?" Marinette asked in a sad tone. Adrien's eyes widened in shock. "How could you ask me such a thing?!" He exclaimed.

"Because I bit you. I've changed your whole life and put you in danger." Marinette explained.

   Adrien smiled and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm fine Marinette. Besides I made you bite me. I'm more than happy to be a werewolf." He said.

   Marinette looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Really?" She asked. Adrien nodded and pulled her close to him then he kissed her on the lips.


  When Adrien kissed me, it was even better than before. This time it wasn't a 'Thank god you're alive kiss.' It was more of a 'I'm so happy to be here with you kiss' and it was wonderful. There's not a doubt in my mind that Adrien is my soulmate.


   After a few seconds, Adrien and Marinette broke the kiss and both of them were blushing profusely.

  "I'll go find you something to cover you chest." She said, standing up and walking away as fast as possible. Adrien chuckled and leaned his head back on the couch. He felt so happy to be in Marinette's house and he felt so glad that he was with her.


He was starting to fall asleep when the front door opened and Marinette's parents entered with Luna at their side.

Adrien and the Dupain-Cheng's looked at each other in shock. He covered his bare chest with his hands and looked at them awkwardly.

  'Somebody please, kill me now.' Adrien thought in embarrassment. Marinette's parents looked at Adrien, not saying a word. They had no idea what to say in a situation like this.

Trying to avoid eye contact with them, Adrien looked away and ended up locking eyes with Luna. He was about to ask who she was, when Marinette walked in carrying a sweatshirt.

  "Sorry, the only thing I could find in your size was a baggy sweatshirt." She said not even noticing her parents and daughter. "Marinette Duapain-Cheng!" Her mother's angry voice yelled.

Marinette turned around to awkwardly face her parents. "Hey. You're home sooner than I thought." She said nervously. Her parents were frowning at her and she chuckled awkwardly with a nervous smile on her face.

  "This is not what it looks like." Marinette said trying to explain. "Oh really?" Her father said sarcastically.

Adrien slipped on the sweatshirt and stood up. "I'm just gonna go. I'll talk to you later Marinette." He said rushing past her.

   Marinette rolled her eyes as Adrien rushed past her parents not looking at them. He did however make eye contact with Luna before running out the door.

  Marinette sighed and turned her attention back to her parents. They were still glaring at her. "Start talking." Her mother demanded. Marinette sighed once more in defeat and said "Okay, here's what happened..."


*two chapters in one day! Yay me! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Edited: March 12th, 2024

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