Chapter 19: written in the stars

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Adrien looked at Marinette in shock. He had no idea how to react to her revelation. 'Did-did I hear her right?' he thought panicking.

  Seeing the expression on his face, Marinette sighed and called out to her daughter. "Luna, come here please!" She yelled.


Luna came running up to Adrien and I, and jumped into my arms. "What's up mommy?" She asked. I turned to a frozen Adrien and said "Luna, this is mommy's friend Adrien." I said gesturing to the boy beside me.

Luna looked up at Adrien and then whispered to me. "Mommy, why is this man frozen?" She inquired. I chuckled. "He's processing what I told him, he'll be back to normal in a few minutes. Let's just give him some time." I said as Luna and I just sat there waiting for Adrien to come back to reality.


~15 minutes later~

Marinette and Luna had been waiting for fifteen minutes now and Adrien was still frozen. Luna looked up at her mother. "Mommy, I'm hungry." She complained. Marinette sighed and turned to Adrien.

  "Look Adrien, I'm gonna take Luna home and get her some food. Come find us when you have your brain back." She said as she picked up her daughter and walked out of the park.


  Adrien continued to sit in silence until a voice brought him to his senses. 'Hey, kid? Can you hear me?' A deep voice asked.

"Who-who's there?" Adrien questioned out loud. He heard a sigh.

'I'm not out there kid, I'm in your head.' The deep voice said.

  'Oh great, not only am I sitting here like an idiot, but now I'm also hearing voices. Is this the start of my slow descent into madness?' Adrien thought panicking.

  'No, you dingus! I'm your inner wolf. My name's Blaze.' The voice said exasperated.

Adrien's eyes widened. 'I have an inner wolf?!' He thought shocked.

'Of course you do. Every werewolf does.' Blaze replied. Adrien sighed in relief. 'Thank god, I'm not insane.' He thought.

'That remains to be seen.' Blaze said sarcastically. Adrien rolled his eyes. 'So what's up?' he asked.

  'Listen here kid, you need to go after her.' Blaze replied. Adrien arched a brow. 'After who, exactly?' He questioned.

Blaze sighed in annoyance. 'Who do you think? I'm talking about that girl with the bluebell eyes.' Blaze replied.

'You mean Marinette?' Adrien inquired.

'That's the one. Listen kid, I know that you're a little freaked out that she has a kid, but you can't let that stop you from pursuing her. She loves you and you love her. You're destined to be together. It's written in the stars.' Blaze explained.

  'So you're saying that I'm also destined to be Luna's father?' Adrien asked.

  'That's right kid. That little girl needs you more than you'll ever know. In fact, Marinette needs you too. The three of you belong together. You complete each other.' Blaze said urging Adrien to go to Marinette.

Adrien sighed. 'But what if I'm not a good enough father to Luna and not a good partner to Marinette?' He asked still unsure.

  Blaze sighed. 'No one knows if they are truly capable of something until they try it. Sure, you may fail and this whole thing could end badly. But if you don't take the risk, then none of you will ever be happy.' Blaze replied.

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