Chapter 13: Soon, you will be mine

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   ~time skip to a couple days before the full moon~

  Ever since Luka transferred to this school, my life has gone to shit. He's inserted himself into my group of friends and is making my life a living hell, just like he promised.

  I've been on edge and even more moody than usual and the worst part is, the full moon is in a couple days. This means that my natural instincts are kicking in big time, making it nearly impossible for me to control myself.

I've taken the last few days off of school because I don't trust myself not to hurt anyone. Unfortunately I have no choice but to go in today, I have a science test. I have a really bad feeling about this.


   Marinette trudged downstairs slowly with a frown on her face and dark thoughts in her mind. Her parents had noticed their daughter's behavior the past few days and had become increasingly concerned. They tried to get Marinette to open up and tell them how she was feeling but she never did. They would never truly understand what their daughter was going through.

  Luna was waiting anxiously at the bottom of the stairs with an excited look on her face. As soon as Marinette laid eyes on her daughter, her facial expressions softened and she smiled gently at her daughter.

Even though almost everything in her life was going wrong right now, Luna had gotten her through it. She was the only person that Marinette wanted to be around because she knew that she could never hurt her daughter.

  "Have a good day at school mommy!" Luna exclaimed happily. Marinette smiled and ruffled her daughter's hair affectionately. "Be good for grandma and grandpa while I'm gone." She instructed. Luna nodded and promised to behave and Marinette bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek before waking out the door.

   ~small time skip~

   Marinette met up with Alya, Adrien and Nino outside the school. Luckily, Luka had yet to arrive. "Are you alright girl? You look like you haven't slept in days." Alya said concerned. 'That's because I haven't slept in days.' Marinette thought exhausted.

  With all the drama in her life lately, Marinette had been unable to get a good nights sleep. But nonetheless she gave her friend a fake smile and assured her that everything was fine. Alya and Nino always believed Marinette when she said that she was okay. But of course, Adrien knew that she was full of shit.

  He had been worried sick about his friend and every time she insisted that she was alright, he cringed internally. All Adrien wanted was to help Marinette, but he had no clue how to do it.


   As I talked with Alya and the others, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Adrien was giving me worried glances. No doubt, he can tell that I'm miserable; he knows me too well.

I haven't told him anything about my history with Luka, but he can tell from our interactions that we don't get along.

   Alya and Nino haven't really noticed how much I detest Luka's very presence, so they have no problem with him hanging around. Luka had already won them over. I'll say one thing about him, he always knew how to charm people.

  Adrien however, has not been as welcoming to Luka as the others have. I can't tell if his dislike of Luka is out of loyalty to me, or if there's some other reason that he hasn't told me about.

   My thoughts were swimming and I couldn't concentrate on anything. I know it's awful but I haven't been listening to a word Alya has said the past few minutes. I've just been nodding my head occasionally so it seems like I'm listening. I'm a terrible friend.

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