Chapter 14: Do you believe in Werewolves?

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Well, the day that I've been dreading has finally arrived. Tonight is the full moon. And as if that isn't bad enough, I'm being forced to experience the moon with the one person that I hate the most... Luka.

  Tonight I'm gonna have to spend all my time trying to escape from Luka. Is it too much to ask for one decent, drama free full moon? I'm not going to school today, I've had called in sick. I have no control over my emotions right now, so it's not safe to be around other people.

  I've locked myself in my room and haven't let anyone in. As if this entire situation wasn't crappy enough, there's one other problem that I have to deal with now. I have no one to watch Luna tonight.

  My parents have had a date night planned for weeks, so they can't babysit and Luna obviously can't come to the forest with me tonight. She can't transform yet. So I have no clue what to do.

The only person besides my parents that knows about Luna is Alya. I could ask her to babysit, but I don't think she could handle a young werewolf. Luna may not be able to transform yet, but she still gets really wild and a little feral during the full moon. My parents know how to handle her behavior, but Alya doesn't know what Luna and I are, so she'd have no clue how to handle my daughter.

This is a disaster, I should've tried to find a solution before the day of the full moon, but my mind was elsewhere. I have a feeling that this will be the worst full moon that I've ever experienced.


Marinette paced back and forth in her bedroom, her thoughts were all over the place. She thought over everything in her head and she was getting more and more anxious. She felt like she was about to lose her cool. She had to get out of the house before anything bad happened. So she decided to head to the woods early.

  Marinette decided to climb down the fire escape so she wouldn't have to interact with her parents as she left but as she was about to leave, a familiar voice called out to her.


I was starting to climb out the window so I could go down the fire escape, when my mother called out to me.

"Marinette, Alya's here!" She yelled. I started to panic. Of all the times Alya had to visit me, it just had to be now. I tried to leave before she could come upstairs, but I was too slow and Alya entered my room.

"There you are girl. Why weren't you at school today?" She asked me. I chuckled nervously and tried to think of a decent excuse but I couldn't think of anything. She eyed me suspiciously, her arms were crossed in front of her and she was arching one of her brows.

"Were you just trying to climb out your window?" She inquired looking between me and the open window. "Um... no?" I said, well more like asked.

"Is that a question or an answer?" Alya asked getting more suspicious by the second. "It-it's an an-answer." I stuttered nervously.

"You're lying. I know you are." Alya said frowning at me. "N-no I'm not." I replied. She continued to frown at me. "Why are you lying to me? We're best friends and best friends don't lie to each other." She said annoyed.

I groaned internally. I know that she's right and that I should tell her the truth, but it's too dangerous for her to know about me. It's bad enough that Adrien knows. I can't have anyone else finding out.

  I sighed. "Listen Alya, if there was something that you needed to know, I'd tell you." I said trying to get her to back off.

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. "I guess that we're not as good friends as I thought. I thought that we trusted each other with everything, but I guess I was wrong." She said.

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