Chapter 6: Under the moon

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    Adrien wandered through the forest, even though it was getting dark and he could barely see anything. He didn't know what he was searching for, only that he'd know when he found it.

    After wandering for hours, Adrien came to a clearing where there was a lake. The water was still, and the moon reflected off the surface like it was a mirror.

The blonde was mesmerized by the beauty of the lake, he was tempted to jump right in. That's when he heard a growl coming from behind him.


Marinette bounded through the forest, super speed in wolf form was much faster than in human form. The bluenette came to a stop and took a moment to look at the night sky.

She couldn't help but think that in a few years, Luna would start transforming. Marinette was scared for Luna. She didn't want her daughter to have to go through the same agonizing pain that she went through when she transformed. Whatever happened, Marinette swore to always look out for her daughter. She would protect her and teach her how to control her wolf.

  While she sat there lost in thought, a familiar smell reached her nose and she started to follow it. Marinette came to a clearing and saw a boy standing before the lake, she recognized him immediately.

'What's he doing here. Doesn't he know it's dangerous?!' Marinette thought to herself. The bluenette didn't want anything bad to happen to Adrien, so she decided to scare him out of the forest.

  Sneaking up behind him, Marinette let out a growl. Adrien turned to see the most beautiful wolf he'd ever seen...

 Adrien turned to see the most beautiful wolf he'd ever seen

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(Sorry, I couldn't find a night time one)

   Adrien and the wolf locked eyes and just stared at each other. The blonde felt like he knew the wolf somehow. Then he noticed her eyes. 'Those eyes. They look like the eyes Marinette had earlier!' He thought. 'Is it possible?' He thought to himself.

  Adrien was brought back to his senses when the wolf let out a threatening growl. He snapped out of it, but was surprised to see that the wolf wasn't growling at him. It was growling at something that was behind him.

  The blonde turned around to see a huge mountain lion. It was growling at him in a threatening manner. Drool dripped from its massive jaws. He froze, too scared to move. 'Is this how I die? Eaten by a wolf and a mountain lion? We're just missing the Tigers and Bears.' Adrien thought sarcastically.

  The mountain lion came closer, trying to corner him against the lake so he'd have nowhere to run. Marinette realized what was happening and she wasn't about to let Adrien die. Even if he had been annoying her to pieces lately, he was still her friend and she wasn't about to let him get eaten by a lion. No matter how bad ass of a death that would be.

The mountain lion raised a paw to swipe at Adrien, but before it could touch him, the wolf tackled it to the ground.

   Marinette bit into the lion's neck and it cried out in pain. It swiped with one paw, sending Marinette flying into a tree. Marinette yelped in pain as she felt one of her ribs crack.

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