Chapter 18: the second secret is the biggest one

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   Marinette explained to her parents everything that had happened the previous night. By the time she finished her story, her parents were looking at her with a mixture of shock, concern and rage.


  My parents glares were really starting to get to me. I knew that they were worried sick by what I had just told them. They were also mad that I turned Adrien into a werewolf, even though I did it to save his life.

  "Are you insane?!" My mother exclaimed. I crossed my arms and smirked. "I think we established that a long time ago." I retorted half kidding.

My father frowned at me. "This is no time for jokes Marinette!" He exclaimed. I chuckled nervously. "Ok, I'm sorry." I said blushing in embarrassment.

  "What's your plan with Adrien? What are you going to do moving forward?" My mother questioned worried by this whole situation.

I thought for a moment. "I don't really have a plan. I haven't thought that far ahead yet. For now I suppose that I'll concentrate on helping Adrien adapt to his new life." I explained.

My parents sighed in exasperation. "Well you better figure it out soon. This is a very dangerous world that you've brought Adrien into." My mother said.

I nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry mom, I have everything under control." I said also trying to reassure myself.

"Well alright then. We trust you Marinette." My father said as he and my mother stood up and made their way to their bedroom to get dressed for work.


Marinette sat on the couch, and let out a big exhale. "Jeez, even with Luka dead, there's no shortage of drama in my life." Marinette whined tired from all the events in her life.

  All she wanted was to take a nap and let her worries slip away, but she couldn't. Not yet at least. There was still a couple more matters that needed addressing. She sighed as she pulled out her phone and called Adrien's number.

   The line rang three times before Adrien picked up. "Hey Marinette, what's up?"Adrien asked.

"I'm calling to see if we can meet up. There's still some things that we have to discuss." She replied. Her tone held worry.

"Does our meet up have anything to do with that little girl that I saw with your parents earlier?" Adrien inquired. Marinette sighed. She knew that she couldn't hide Luna from Adrien any longer. "Yes, that's one of the things that we need to discuss." She replied.

"Okay. Well I'm game for a meet up anytime that you're available." Adrien said.

Marinette smiled. "How about we meet at the park in 20 minutes then?" She suggested.

"Sounds good to me. I'll see you then." Adrien replied then he said goodbye and hung up the phone.

After finishing up her phone call with Adrien, Marinette made her way to Luna's room so She could get her ready for the park.

  Marinette knocked on Luna's door and walked in. Luna was jumping up and down on her bed and was laughing. Marinette couldn't help but laugh at how adorable her daughter was. She was an absolute treasure.

"Hey Cherí, can I talk to you for a moment?" Marinette asked, calling out to her daughter. Luna nodded happily and jumped off the bed and ran over to Marinette. "What's up mommy?" She inquired.

  Marinette smiled and knelt down in front of her daughter. "In a few minutes, I'm going to take you to the park to meet a friend of mine." She said. Luna smiled. "Is it that boy from earlier?" She inquired. Marinette nodded. "Yes, it's that boy from before. He's a very good friend of mine." She explained.

Luna looked at her mother and arched a brow. "Is he your boyfriend?" She questioned. Marinette turned beet red and looked away from her daughter. "M-maybe." She stuttered out. Luna giggled. "Well mommy, if you like him, then I like him too." She said.

  Hearing those words come out of her daughter's mouth made Marinette's heart swell with joy. She embraced her daughter tightly. "How did I get so lucky? I love you so much Luna." Marinette said. "I love you too mommy." Luna replied hugging her mother back.


     ~small time skip at the park~

I sat on one of the park benches and watched from afar as Luna ran around and played with the other children. Seeing her get along with kids her own age always made me happy. Luna deserves to have friends.

  I watched as Luna and some of the other children climbed on the jungle gym. "Remember to be careful Luna!" I called out. She turned to me and gave me a thumbs up before returning to her attention to climbing the jungle gym.

I chuckled at her behavior and continued to sit on the bench with a serene look on my face. 'It's so peaceful, and seeing Luna get along with other kids makes me so happy.' I thought happily.

'It's been a long time coming. We all deserve to just relax and be happy.' Selene said.

   I smiled. 'damn right. This is perfect.' I replied. 'By the way Selene, I'm so glad that I can talk to you. I've only known about you for a little while, but I already love you like a sister.' I said.

I heard Selene chuckle. "I love you too Marinette.' Selene replied.


Marinette chatted with with Selene for a few more minutes until she heard Adrien's voice call out to her.


  I turned to see Adrien walking towards me and we smiled at each other. He sat down next to me on the bench and I kissed him on the cheek.

He blushed. "What was that for?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "It just seemed like the thing to do." I replied earning a small laugh from Adrien.


      ~a few minutes later~

   Adrien and Marinette sat for a few minutes talking about insignificant things, before Marinette decided to get to the point of why she had called Adrien.

  "Hey, Adrien?" She said. "Yeah, what's up?" He replied. "Before our relationship goes any farther, there's something that I need you to know." She said nervously.

  Adrien looked at Marinette, he could tell that she was anxious and nervous. "What is it? I'm sure it can't be that bad." He said trying to make her feel more comfortable.

  "I never said it was anything bad. I'm just worried that once I tell you, that you'll run for the hills." She said.

   Adrien wrapped a comforting arm around her. "Marinette, nothing you could say or do would ever make me leave you." He said. Marinette smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you for that Adrien." She said. Adrien nodded and smiled at her. "So, what did you want to tell me?" He asked again.

Marinette sighed deeply. "I haven't been entirely honest with you. I've been hiding an even bigger secret than the one that you know of." She said starting to explain. Adrien cocked a brow. He had to admit, he was intrigued. Marinette turned to face Adrien and had a nervous look on her face.

  "Adrien the truth is... I have a daughter."


   * I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Edited: March 12th, 2024

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