Chapter 8: Now I can get some answers

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* Hiya! Author here, obviously 😛. Before I begin this chapter, I have a few things to say.

#1: I will no longer be individually naming each chapter. (*update: changed my mind on...May 23, 2020)

#2 after I published the authors note last week, I reread this story and decided not to delete the previous chapter and start over because it would be a pain in the ass and there were certain things I liked about that chapter. So instead of rewriting the previous chapter, I'm going with a lazier approach, but who knows, it might make the story even better.

#3: this chapter won't be that long, I'm still getting back into the swing of things with this story and I wanna start slowly.

* okey dokey! Now that that's out of the way, let's begin!!

  Marinette shot awake, she was covered in sweat and hyperventilating. Her mother who had been sitting on the Chaise waiting for her daughter to wake up rushed to her side. "Are you alright dear?!" She asked in a concerned tone.

Marinette focused her vision on her mother and immediately calmed down. "I'm fine, I just had a bad dream." She replied in a weak voice.

  Sabine sighed in relief and kissed her daughter's forehead. "I was so worried. You've been asleep for two days. We thought the worst." She said with tears running down her face. "I'm sorry mom. I didn't mean to make you worry, but I'm alright now." Marinette said trying to reassure her clearly exhausted mother.

  Sabine smiled kindly at her daughter and gave her a hug. "I'm glad that you're feeling better, but I want you to stay in bed and rest some more. You were hurt pretty badly and I don't want you to over do it." Her mother said. Marinette nodded in agreement and laid back down in bed.

"Get some more rest, I'll bring you your dinner later." Sabine instructed before leaving her daughters bedroom.

Marinette rested her head on her pillow and stared up at the ceiling. She thought back to the night in the woods and how Adrien was there. She worried about him and wondered how he was doing.

As she started to fall asleep once again, Marinette recalled her previous dream that seemed so real. It had scared her and she could only hope that her nightmare wouldn't become a reality. She definitely didn't want Adrien finding out about Luna like that.


Meanwhile across town, Adrien was sitting in his bedroom thinking about the wolf he had encountered two days earlier.

  The whole ordeal with the mountain lion had given him a fright and he felt like he was going crazy. "I must be imagining things, that's all this is. This is all just a vivid daydream. There's no way that I was attacked by a mountain lion and saved by a wolf." He said.

  Adrien kept trying to convince himself that he imagined the whole thing, that maybe he was sleepwalking and dreamt of the wolf saving him. But then he remembered Marinette and how he could've sworn that he saw her eyes turn yellow and he was curious as to why she had been out of school the past two days. Adrien had so many questions and absolutely no answers. It was driving him absolutely mad.

Then it hit him. The way to find out if he really was imagining things. He had to go back into the woods to the place where he was attacked by the mountain lion and search for clues. After coming to a decision, Adrien grabbed his coat and left his house to go search the woods for answers.

~that evening with Marinette~

Marinette awoke to the smell of baked goods filling her nostrils and she sat up in bed. She looked out the window and saw that night had fallen over Paris and she sighed, she'd been asleep a long time.

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