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At 7 p.m., dinner was served. I rushed downstairs as I was hungry from the aroma of the jollof rice that filtered through my door. Did I mention that my mum is the best cook you would find anywhere?

I found Uncle John at the dinning having a chat with my dad. He talked about his experience at school and the friends he made that he didn't even notice when I walked in. Mum came out of the kitchen with a tray in her hands––the aroma of the food stopped the conversation and I heard my dad's tummy growl. He must have been so hungry. Uncle John helped me to sit on the chair as I couldn't do that myself. He also served my food. I have never had an uncle this nice, I thought to myself. Everyone was quiet until Uncle John broke the silence and said, "we should go see a movie tomorrow, Jane. What do you think?"

Growing up, I loved movies and books. I was so excited at the offer that I jumped at it without even thinking. "Yayyy!" I screamed and threw my hands into the air, causing my drink to spill. Mum got angry and screamed at me for forgetting my manners but Uncle John saved me from being spanked.

Later that evening, we concluded that we would be seeing Harry Potter at the cinema. I had always wanted to see that movie. I had heard it was full of magic and the beautiful part was that I'd be seeing it with my favorite uncle. I already had something to write in my essay when school resumes and I'd get to brag about it and tell my friends about my uncle who just returned from the States. I closed my eyes with so much enthusiasm that I woke up five times in the middle of the night. Have you noticed that when you are so excited about an event, time seems to be very slow? That was the feeling.

I woke up before everyone the next morning to do my chores because Mum would never allow me to leave the house without doing them. My chores were to do the dishes and clean the furniture. According to Mum, I was too young to handle a broom to sweep. Mum woke up, surprised that I did the dishes without being forced by anyone. "Is this about the movie, Jane?" she asked. "Hmm, No," I replied (that was a lie, though). "I just wanted to make up for spilling my drink yesterday and getting you angry," I continued. Mum knew I was lying, smiled and shook her head.

I quickly had my bath and went downstairs for our usual morning devotion before going about the business of the day. Let me tell you a little about my family. When I was four years old, I got a baby brother that I didn't want to have. I grew to love him later on anyway.

Mum was a disciplinarian while Dad was the calm one, even though he could be tough at times. Dad wasn't always around because he got a new job. I only saw him at night when he checks my assignments before I finally go to bed. Mum was also a teacher. The only time we sit as a family to talk was on Sundays after church service. We don't get to say much anyway because we were taught to mind our businesses. Having my uncle around was so great because I finally had someone to talk to and show my writings.

When I was seven, I wrote about my dreams of becoming a medical practitioner. I wrote every day and pasted it on my doors so I would always get to see them. I got my pen and jotter, ready to write everything about Harry Potter and every fun thing I would do that day.

Devotion that morning seemed like it wasn't going to end. Do we have to tell God about all our problems? I thought. Dad spent several minutes thanking God who He was and for all He had done. "In Jesus name I pray," Dad concluded. I got up only for him to continue by saying, "And so Daddy, we ..." Typical of African parents, they never stop praying. I rolled my eyes and knelt down again for another 20 minutes. Seriously, I could not understand what we were praying about?

Devotion ended after what seemed like forever and we had breakfast together before Dad left for work. Uncle John announced that we would leave the house by noon as the movie starts by 1 p.m. I slept off on the couch waiting for the clock to strike 12 but was disappointed because time was just too slow.

"Jane, wake up! It's time. Go and get dressed or we'll be late," Uncle John said while tapping me to wake up. The first thing I saw when I got up was my uncle wearing a pair of shorts with white leather sneakers, a denim jacket and a pair of sunglasses. They looked just perfect on him. "I didn't even realise I had slept off. Is it time?" I asked. "Yes dear. I'll wait for you while you go and get dressed," he winked with a smile at the corner of his lips.

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