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    On August 26 (my birthday), I was sure that Paul would be the first to wish me a happy birthday, as always. Although I was studying for my entrance examination into the university, I was equally expecting the surprise Paul told me about the other day. Unfortunately, Paul wasn't the first person to call to wish me happy birthday. I still hoped he would call me later in the day, so I stayed glued to my phone waiting all day but he never called. I was sad and angry. I later sent him a WhatsApp message.
"Paul, it's my birthday," I typed. Luckily for me, he was online and he replied after about 30 minutes.
"Hi, Jane. Yes, I'm aware today is your birthday," he texted back.
"So?" I replied.
"So, what?" he replied.
"I think I deserve at least a 'happy birthday' message," I replied.
"Yes, you do. Happy birthday, Jane," he replied.
"What? Paul, really?
Is this the surprise you talked about because I must confess, I'm really surprised," I replied, almost crying.
"Look, Jane. I didn't forget to wish you a happy birthday; I just decided not to," he replied.
For the first time in a long time, I was dumbfounded. Paul knew my birthday meant a lot to me, yet he decided not to wish me a happy birthday.
"Paul, what have I done because I don't remember having any argument with you?" I asked. "Nothing Jane, I just don't want to have anything to do with you again. Can you just pretend like you don't know me?" he replied.
His words pierced my heart like a sharp sword. I felt hot tears trickling down my eyes.
"What??" I replied.
"Look, it's not you, it's me. If you see me on the road, kindly walk past me and pretend we don't know each other, okay?" he replied.
"Ok," I replied and dropped my phone.
That was the surprise he talked about and yes, I was surprised in no small measure. I searched my mind for what I did to Paul but couldn't figure anything out. I even prayed about it but nothing happened. This was how Paul threw three years of friendship into the dustbin, walked away without an explanation and left a deep wound in my heart. The chord of our friendship was broken and we became total strangers. But how could I forget the person who stood by me through my tough times? Nevertheless, I didn't give up on Paul. I continued to text him, even though he never responded. Then one day... I got a message notification on my phone. It was Paul's.
"Hi Jane," the message read. I jumped up to reply him immediately.
"Hi Paul," I replied.
"Oh, you still have my number," he said.
"Yes, I do," I replied.
"I just wanted to apologise for all I said and did the other day. Can we meet so I can explain what happened?" he replied.
"It's alright, what happened doesn't matter now. I'm glad you are back," I smiled.
We met after that day and talked but I didn't allow him to explain what went wrong because I decided to let it go, but little did I know this was going to be the last time we would ever talk. Paul went back to his former state of being incommunicado. He stopped texting me and I became tired of everything. I picked up my phone one day and sent a text to him.
I wrote, "I want my best friend back, is that too much to ask? Paul, please come back."
"You don't have a best friend here and you can't have him back," he replied.
I wept profusely and asked myself what could have happened. I knew none of this was my fault but I really wanted him in my life. Few months later, I called his number and he picked. My face lit up and I said, "Hello, Paul."
"Hi, who is on the line?" he asked.
"It's me, Jane," I said.
"Oh hi, sorry I lost your contact. What's up?" he asked.
Paul had deleted my number. He had forgotten my voice. He had moved on and I was chasing after the wind. I ended the call without saying a word. I blocked his number. I knew it was over between us.


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