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     Let me tell you about my best friend.
While in SS 1, I met Paul at my friend's house during the holidays and we connected instantly. Paul was a cool, calm and collected dude. To crown it all up, he was very good in mathematics. His mastery in mathematics attracted me to him. Another thing that got me attracted to Paul was the fact that he knew how to play the guitar––an instrument I loved so much but was too lazy to learn.
We got talking and Paul was ready to teach me mathematics and how to play the guitar. He was so intelligent and smart. At this time, he was awaiting admission into the university, so he had all the time in the world to teach me. We connected on Facebook and talked about everything and anything. I have never felt so connected to anyone like I did with Paul. In one year, we had known so much about each other as we communicated about everything and anything without being ashamed. The connection was mutual.
Because I was in a boarding house away from my parents, I had a guardian––a teacher who stood in as my parents. Anytime I wanted to gist with Paul, I would collect my guardian's phone telling him that I needed to call my dad but I would call Paul instead and tell him about everything that was happening in school, and then we would pray together for his admission into the university to come through. I had crammed Paul's number, so it was easy to call him anytime.
I became so connected to Paul that I knew when something was not right with him. I didn't have a crush on Paul but I loved him as a friend and was ready to go the extra mile for him.
One day, while I was still in school, Paul was very sick. I woke up from sleep in the afternoon, alarmed, and I knew something was wrong with my best friend. I went to see my guardian as usual and I borrowed his phone to call "my dad" but I called Paul; he picked after the fourth ring.
"Bestie, how are you? Something tells me you are not fine," I said, concerned.
"Jane dear, I'm not fine. I'm in the hospital. I'd call you back," he said and dropped the phone.
I felt like I was going to lose the person that was so dear to me. I started to cry until I fell sick and I had to go home.
Immediately I got home, I took my phone and called Paul but he wasn't picking. So I dropped a message for him on Facebook, which he later replied in the evening.
"I just came out of the theatre room," Paul said.
"Wait?? Why? What happened," I screamed.
"I was diagnosed of a terrible condition that warranted my undergoing a minor surgery," he replied.
I stood where I was crying until I broke a mug unknowingly.
"Am I going to lose you, Paul?" I asked soberly.
"No, you are not going to lose me. I know you are at home because of me. Go back to school," he replied.
"I have malaria. I placed it there by myself. Although I can't be with you physically, I'll be with you in spirit," I said.
Paul laughed at me for saying I placed malaria in my body and then went offline.
I spent the night praying for my bestie. I sent him get well soon texts every morning till I returned to school the following week. We were that close. Paul knew about all my past ordeals with my uncle and cousins, and he helped me recover gradually.


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