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Mum had gotten my clothes ready before she left for work. So, I washed my face and slid into them. I wore a pair of jeans and a green Hannah Montana top; it was my favourite. I was downstairs in no time with my pen and jotter, of course.

I was prepared to have fun. I didn't know if fun was prepared to have me anyway. I met Uncle John seated downstairs with a newspaper in his hand. He raised his head with a smile as I appeared in his front. "Oh Jane, you look gorgeous. Has anyone told you that before?" he said, raising his brows with a smirk on his face. "Hmm, nope," I shook my head with a blush. Don't blame me, I was a child. "Yes, you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise," he said, looking at me flirtatiously as he reached out his hands for us to go.

This was the best outing of my life. I had never been to the movies before. I was prepared to enjoy every bit of it. Harry Potter got me glued to the screen that I ignored Uncle John's hands on my laps. I wasn't even scared because he's my uncle anyway. I just sat there munching my popcorn. The movie ended after about 2 hours and Uncle John was prepared to go home but I wasn't. I managed to convince him to let us get ice cream and stay a little longer. He didn't object because I had a nice uncle. I had fun until about 7 p.m. that I even slept off on his legs in the car on our way home. I was so tired that I didn't know when we got home although I noticed being carried to my room. While in the room, Uncle John dropped me on my bed and gave me a kiss on my forehead. You might be tempted to ask me where my mum was. My mum was home, fast asleep. She trusted my uncle.

I must say at this point that my mum never talked to me about sex. Most African parents of that time never did. Why? I don't know. Apparently, I never knew anything about sex. Nobody told me not to allow anyone including my uncle to touch me inappropriately.

At about 1 a.m. in the dead of the night, I woke up to pee but was too tired to get myself out of the bed. "Gosh, I'm so tired," I said to myself while getting up. I came out of my bathroom to meet Uncle John seated on my bed and staring into space. I was startled but he was my uncle anyway. What's there to be scared about? "Ahh, Uncle John!" I said. He turned back, smiling. I found Uncle John staring down at my underdeveloped boobs before he finally got back to his senses. "Errm, did I scare you? I only wanted to check if you were asleep," he said. "No uncle, you didn't scare me. I woke up to pee. Thank you for yesterday. I had fun," I replied like a child that I was. "Alright, I'd be going to bed now. I can't wait to see your review on Harry Potter," Uncle John said. His love for my writings made me proud, eager and inspired to write and write again. I ran towards my uncle and gave him a big hug. He hugged me back, gave me a peck on the cheek and left the room.

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