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      Not too long after, Paul resumed school. We couldn't communicate as we used to because he was busy with registration and school work, but I didn't mind. One day, he called me on the phone.
"Jane Jane," he said.
"Paul dear, how are you?" I asked.
"Ahh Jane, school is so stressful. I didn't know this was what I signed up for. And the lectures are so tiring and sometimes boring," he said.
I laughed so hard and said, "You got what you wanted but you will be fine, okay?"
"Yes I know dear. Look, I'm sorry for not keeping in touch. I promise to make it up to you when I come home in July. I have a surprise for you on your birthday," he said.
"Oh Paul, it's alright. I understand. I really missed you so much and I want you back home soon. And you know I hate surprises but I would wait for this one," I said with smiles.
"Alright dear, I have a class now and I have to go. See you soon and take care of yourself. I love you."
"I love you too, bestie," I said and ended the call, blushing.
For me, it was normal for best friends to use the phrase, "I love you." It just showed how close we were, so I didn't mind. After that day, we didn't talk again until he came home in July. I was super excited to see him. Throughout the holidays, we spent time a lot of time together.
One day, we attended a programme in his church and on our way home, we decided to stroll together. Paul talks a lot so he started to share with me how we must have empathy for people because not everyone is as lucky as we were. He pointed me to the less privileged people who lived under the bridge.
"Jane, you see these people?" he said as he wrapped his hands around my neck. "They don't have anywhere to go and they will spend the night here. Tomorrow, if they are lucky not to get robbed or killed, they will continue their hustle," he continued.
"I wished there was something we could do for them," I said, looking pitifully. "Yes, we could pray for them," he smiled and poked me at the side. I laughed out loud and got the attention of people on the road. "Paul, stop it. Let's go home," I said. We continued to talk about random things until Paul stopped abruptly.
"Paul, are you alright?" I asked. "Jane, I know I haven't been calling you lately because I have been really busy. If I don't call you, would you call me?" He asked. "Yes, sure I will," I said and then hugged him. Prior to this time, I had never hugged Paul. This was our first hug and it felt new and good. I took the memory home with me.
After that night, I made it a point of duty to call Paul myself. Then one day, he stopped picking my calls. At first, I thought he was busy. I later discovered that he deliberately ignored and avoided my calls. I sent him several WhatsApp messages but he didn't reply. I couldn't figure out what I did wrong. I knew Paul's friend, Samson, so I went to his house to ask questions.
"Hi Samson," I greeted him. Oh Jane, I'm so happy to see you. It's been a while. Come in," he said. I walked into his house and sat on the couch.
"Do you care for a drink or something," he asked.
"Not at all, I won't be staying for long," I said smiling. "So what's up? This is an August visit in August," he said jokingly. "It's Paul, he's been ignoring my calls. Is he alright?" I asked. "Jane, you won't understand. I advise you stay away from Paul," he said.
"What do you mean I won't understand? I'm asking about my best friend and you are saying I won't understand, how?" I said angrily as I stood up. "Look Jane, Paul doesn't want me to talk to you about him. So I can't tell you what happened. When you are done, please use the door," he said and walked away. "Are you walking out on me and asking me to leave your house?" I asked, almost crying. "No I'm not, Jane. Feel at home, I'm going inside," he said and went inside. I knew I had overstayed my welcome. I left his house wondering what had happened to Paul.


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