Chapter 19 Heavenly Father Who Art On Earth

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A few days later

Adrien decided to introduce Amara to the coven. They started using the coven house as their base of operations after Adrien and Amara heavily warded it. Everyone tried hard to teach Amara about the delights of the world, showing her various tv series, movies, preparing different foods for her. For the first time in forever, Amara felt happy, like she belonged, thoughts about vengeance becoming secondary. From Adrien's memories and her own experiences, she realized, that maybe humans weren't that bad at all. That didn't mean she was going to forgive her brother anytime soon, she simply decided that she liked earth as it was, and she's here to stay. When during one of their talks, Adrien revealed that he was 38 years old, Amara decided that it was up to her to take care of the baby. Primordials, like Angels, mature very slowly, it takes a couple of centuries to consider them 'teenagers'. When Adrien decided that Amara was adequately adapted, he stormed the gates of hell in his true form. Darkness seeped into the underworld, scaring the hell out of its residents. When the smoke receded, most of the demons and souls were gone. Adrien realized, that if it ever came to a fight, they would need every and any advantage against God, so the stolen souls became the food for him and Amara, strengthening them, and making their powers mature and grow. After devouring souls, Adrien gained knowledge that belonged to said souls. After eating a few brilliant-minded souls, Adrien realized what the war truly meant. Adrien was weak, not because he didn't have enough powers, but because of the people he loved. Regina, Henry Sr. and Jr. even Emma Swan, were all mortals, and while resurrecting mortal was no problem for Adrien, after all, he brought back Dean Winchester like it was nothing, it was residents of Storybrooke who were problematic. You see, you can only resurrect people, who were born and died in the realm you currently reside in. So if God decided to destroy Storybrooke, if he ever found out about Adrien's weakness, he would blast it from the face of the earth, and there was nothing Adrien could do to bring them back. That was the reason, that leads Adrien to make one of the hardest decisions of his life. Focusing, Adrien appeared at the edge of the town  Storybrooke. He breathed in shuddering breath, tears streaming down his cheeks, Adrien pulled the Darkness that he unleashed 28 years ago, empowering himself, and successfully breaking the curse. After he was at his fullest again, Adrien tempered with their memories, making Regina believe that the heart of a horse was enough to cast the curse. Every single moment of their life, Adrien disappeared from. He took one last longing look at the place he called home, and in the whoosh of Darkness, he was gone.  

Meanwhile, with Winchesters.

The hunters, still couldn't get used to the idea that God, the creator of all things walked among them. Sam was very excited when he learned that little fact, following Chuck, as God preferred to be called, around and asking questions after questions about various topics. Chuck just looked at him amusedly with fondness and answered his questions with honesty. Dean, on the other hand, was suspicious, like any sane hunter should be, and angry. Where was he when they needed him? when humanity needed him? Chuck looked at him with so much understanding, with ancient and wise eyes that it made Dean want to cry.

"So..." cleared his throat grizzled hunter. "How are we going to do this? She's your sister, can't you, I dunno snap your fingers and lock her up again?"

"It's not that simple Bobby," replied Chuck. "My sister is as powerful as me, if not more. Last time it took the strength of four Archangels, to weaken her, and after that, I barely managed to lock her up".

"Can't you summon your kids to help you?" asked Dean curious.

"Michael would gladly help me, so would Raphael, but Lucifer is in his cage in hell, rightfully so, after what he tried the last time. Gabriel... I have no actual idea where he is, I know that he's alive, I would have felt his death, but he simply doesn't want to come here." Answered Chuck, sadness in his voice. 

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