Chapter 27 Sorcerer's Hat

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A few months later

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A few months later

Adrien and Stella decided to settle in Adrien's old house, where he lived together with Billy and Conner. Stella was amazed by the size of the house, her eyes sparkling like little stars. Billy spent all of his free time hanging out with Jason and Dick, getting to know his big brothers. He loved living in the Mansion with Bruce, his dad. Conner, adjusted well living on the farm, he loved it and he was sad to leave his grandparents to go to live in Metropolis. Clark promised that they would visit them all the time. Stella, as it turns out, was a great student, absorbing knowledge like a sponge, becoming a promising young lady, no, a promising young witch. In the meantime, Adrien was busy dealing with his growing problems. Lucifer, his dagger and his parents. He wanted to find them, but it was proving to be problematic. Stella started specializing in celestial magic. A special brand of summoning magic, where a witch, would use celestial gate keys to summon various celestial bodies or stars as they were commonly called. Adrien, being the awesome God that he was, acquired Stella golden zodiac keys, not all of them, some she had to earn by proving herself, but she was in possession of Pisces, Gemini, Taurus, Aquarius, Virgo, and Scorpio. 

She adored her spirits, summoning them every day, spending time with them, befriending them and treating them like her equal, showing kindness and love no other summoner has shown them before

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She adored her spirits, summoning them every day, spending time with them, befriending them and treating them like her equal, showing kindness and love no other summoner has shown them before. The spirits quickly became fond of her too. Adrien was very proud of her. Apollo was most delighted when he learned that her daughter was learning celestial magic, considering that both he and his twin sister were celestial bodies. 


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