Chapter 30 Big Brother Alex

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Life was an ironic thing, Adrien mused

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Life was an ironic thing, Adrien mused. He started out on the streets cold and afraid, the only thing keeping him sane and safe - his powers. Then he met Billy and others and his life got better, better but complicated. Along the way, he met many people, connected them in the ways that he didn't realize, every time he watched family members hug each other or show care, he felt jealousy rearing its ugly head and he hated himself for feeling jealous of people, good people who deserved to be happy. Did he deserve to be happy? how many people has he hurt, just to achieve his selfish ambitions, but Adrien didn't feel remorse or even slight sadness for the lives he took. It was necessary he justified. He also justified leaving his friends behind, but deep inside he was hurt, hurt that they no longer needed him, they had families now, who would need him? family, the family he didn't have. When fates told him that he had a brother, he couldn't believe his luck, a brother was something he always dreamed about, so when they offered - he agreed, gladly. Turns out Alex was older than him by 30 minutes, making him the 'younger twin'. He didn't mind, Alex seemed happy though when he called him big brother, his eyes lit up like little stars and a dopey grin came over his face. So Adrien vowed to always make his big brother smile. Turns out his brother already activated the werewolf curse, which was triggered by murder. He killed a man who was trying to take away their food, it was an accident, he pushed him too hard, but it was enough to end the poor hobo's life. They were living in an abandoned building, no better than one where he lived prior to meeting Billy. He noticed his brother shivering from the cold, so he muttered a spell, instantly warming him up. Alex shot him a grateful smile and scooched closer to him, so their shoulders touched. Alex was a touchy-feely kind of person, always clinging to him or hugging him. He didn't mind, he loved every second of it. 

Adrien realized that they couldn't keep living like this. They needed an actual home but had no money. He could easily conjure it, he was still Darkness, but then he would have to explain how he did it. So he decided to play by 'human rules'. He was smart, extremely so. He could easily do any human-given test and ace it, but if he were to go and ask someone to test him, they would ask too many questions, and probably separate them. He wouldn't let anyone separate them, even if it meant slaughtering the whole town. So he gave Alex half-assed excuse and left their lair, to go look for food and a way to get themselves out of the streets.

He could ask one of the witches, but you could never trust them, plus, why would they help you? No, he was on his own, he only had his brother now and he would take care of them. He was walking through the dark streets when he saw a commotion. 

Two gorilla-vampires were hurting another one, there stood a witch too, who was giving him an aneurysm. 

"You're hurting this man... why?" his youthful voice startled the supernatural gang, successfully gaining their attention. 

"Kid," gasped out the man who was being tortured. "Run kid, while you can. Just, go please!" 

Adrien looked at the man, his soul, it was pure in comparison to his tormentors. He would help him. 

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