2. 𝐎𝐨𝐨𝐡 P.1

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Y/n pov

today in science class our teacher was assigning us partners for a project.

"ok kids, I'm going to write the partners on the board and none of you are aloud to look until I say alright?" Mrs. Emily said.

(my teacher actually does this shit and u have no fucking idea who ur gonna be with and it could be some extreamly annoying trick ass bitch but aNYWAY...)

the teacher said we could look and everyone rushed out of their seats to the board.

i just waited in the back of the crowd so i wouldn't be demolished by teenagers. i looked around as i waited and i made eye contact with Miles Fairchild.

he was very distant from everyone. i never saw him hang out with anyone but this was the first partner/group project of the year so maybe he does hang out with people?

i looked at the board and glanced behind me at my friends. they were giggling in their seats and were smiling like idiots.

i shot them a confused look and returned my eyes to the whiteboard.

john and kate
lily and carter
hanna and melodie
madison and callum
miles and Y/n
carly and-


miles and WHO?!

oh fuck.


- Mak

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