1. 𝐃𝐨 𝐢𝐭.

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Y/n pov

it was a week before Christmas break, and my school made sure everyone knew about it.

it wasn't even the teachers who did it.

it was the students.

I shut my locker door and stepped through the crowded hallways with my bag slung over a single shoulder.

there were decorations as far as the eye could see.

Wreaths, ornaments and candy canes in between every teenagers' lips, garlands hung from wall to wall, and every classroom door around decorated.

it was beautiful once I stopped and took it all in.

it's crazy what people would do for Christmas.

suddenly I was shoved to the floor by a random student.

"hey, what the fuck?" I mentioned.

a pale hand reached down for mine, I looked up and saw Miles.

I grasped his large boney hand, and he pulled me up with ease.

"Thanks, Miles," I spoke and brushed myself off.

Miles and I have been friends since 7th grade.

my old history teacher made us partners for a presentation when he was the new kid.

I guess we just got a connection.


my legs wandered around the hallways until they found the crowded path to my homeroom.

Miles' hand brushed against mine every few seconds, as he was close beside me.

I walked into the class, backpack filled with multiple textbooks on my shoulder and suddenly someone yelled,


I stopped, my left foot in the air nearly touching the cold tile floor, and looked up.

"what's wrong?" I questioned, as I placed my foot down slowly beside my other.

my classmate pointed above Miles and I's heads, him still by my side.

I looked up and there, hung a mistletoe.

I gulped quietly, as my brain forced my head to turn towards the teen, he already watching me with a piercing stare.

"I-I-" my stammering was cut off by Miles.

"Do it." he whispered, his dark curls softly brushing on my forehead.

everyone was watching him and me with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

my hand softly touched his cheek as I pulled him even closer to me.

my lips collided against his, and he did not hesitate to kiss back.

they were a little chapped but still soft.

I felt so happy for once.

I pulled away slowly, the taste of his lips still lingering on mine.

I removed my hand from his cheek and walked into class this time, with no interruptions.

hi guys!! hope you enjoyed this!

𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍Where stories live. Discover now