7. 𝐏𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨

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(the song above is how miles plays the song heather. i chose to put the cover by 'Egg' instead of the original song because this fits miles well. :) )

3rd person

"down here." she said, trailing her soft fingers down the wooden railing.

the girl led him down to her basement, her feet making a soft pat as she stepped on the carpeted stairs.

she heard his steps trail behind her carefully.

as they got to the basement miles' eyes widened at the large piano sitting in the middle of the livingroom.

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom. feel free to look around." she smiled and headed down the bright hallway to the bathroom.

"yep..." he muttered, trailing his fingers on the lightly dusted piano keys.

his eyes examined the piano in awe as he sat down on the black wooden seat.

he loved pianos, but never ended up getting one of his own.

miles had taken lessons as a child, but stopped as he got older.

"i wonder if i remember any songs..." he said.

he digged through his mind to find any memories and memories came flooding back.

(y'all can listen to this if u wanna know how the song would sound like.)

miles' fingers pressed the keys slowly but confidently and started playing 'are you bored yet?' by Wallows.

meanwhile y/n had finished using the bathroom and silently watched miles play the piano perfectly.

he played the last note and sighed, a small smile appearing on his face.

he laughed a little and it almost sounded like a giggle.

y/n walked over to him and sat down beside him on the seat.

he turned his head and looked at the girl, smiling shyly and looking back down at the keys.

"do you remember any other songs? you play beautifully." she nudged his arm lightly while smiling.

"uh yeah, give me a song," he said.

"heather by conan gray?" she smiled hopefully.

"yeah, i love that song," miles said pausing to think of the notes.

he took a deep breath and and started playing.

the first few notes played and it was y/n's queue to sing.

"i still remember, third of december..." she sang quietly and looked everywhere but miles.

he stopped playing and she looked at him concerned.

he took her hand in his and gave it a light squeeze.

"don't be shy, it's just me," he smiled.

she smiled back and took a deep breath.

miles played the notes again and she sang with a lot more confidence.

the notes resonated around the room intensely.

"why would you ever kiss me? i'm not even half as pretty. you gave her your sweater, it's just polyester, but you like her better. wish i were..." y/n looked down and smiled as miles played the last note.

"that was amazing, y/n," said miles.

she smiled at him.

the door to the basement swung open slowly revealing y/n's mother with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of milk.

"here you are you two," she smiled as she placed the food and drinks on the small side table.

she kissed y/n on the head and whispered in her ear.

"you two sounded lovely," she smiled once again and y/n blushed out of embarrassment.

"thank you, mom," she muttered looking down at her hands, her index finger tapping her leg silently.

"kate wants miles home soon, by the way. send him home in a few please." y/n's mother left and closed the door to the basement, some of the light fading away.

"yep," said y/n.

she looked over to the plate of cookies and took one in her hand.

she looked over at miles and she slowly brought the cookie to his mouth.

he looked at her in confusion and his eyes widened when a cookie was shoved in his mouth.

crumbs fell onto his dark jeans as y/n laughed at his expression.

"well we have to eat them before you leave," she smiled her laughing becoming softer.

he smiled back and the two finished the cookies and milk all while laughing and talking to eachother.

once miles had left, y/n sat in her room thinking about the day.

she sighed happily, laying down on her bed and falling asleep.

hi lovelies!! hope you liked this one and thank you so much for 13k its insane 🥺💕❤️

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