9. 𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐬

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(d/n means dog name btw :D)

y/n pov

i walked down the long driveway as i had my new puppy in my arms.

he gently licked my face and i smiled.

"who's a good boy, d/n. you are! yes you are!" i whispered to him, giving him a small squeeze.

my voice is so annoying like that, jeez... i thought.

i shook my head and continued walking towards miles' large home with d/n in my arms.

as i reached the front door i set d/n down and rang the doorbell.

the sound echoed throughout the house and i looked down at d/n.

he was laying down with his head tilted to the side looking at me.

i smiled and the door opened suddenly, causing me to turn around.


it was flora.

i smiled and she ran to me and gave me a big hug.

"hi flora," i laughed.

she took my hand and looked down beside me where d/n was.

"OH MY GOD A PUPPY!" she yelled.

d/n stood up and ran behind me, hiding from the loud noise.

"oh no i scared him didn't i?" she pouted looking up at me.

"it's okay flora just be more quiet and gentle with him,"

"okay..." she replied.

flora slowly walked behind me and put her hand in front of d/n.

he lent forward and licked her hand and she giggled.

"come inside, y/n!" said flora, picking up d/n carefully and taking him inside.

i walked inside following flora to miles' bedroom.

"we can wait in here till he comes home," she said sitting down on the ground with d/n.

i smiled and sat down on the floor as she played with d/n with an old doll she had.

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom. i'll be a few minutes," said flora as she walked out of the room.

"okay," i said as i called over d/n.

he came to me and sat in my lap.

i pet him gently as he fell asleep.

his soft snores made me giggle as i leaned back against the wall, looking around miles' room.

his room was messy but almost a neat messy, if that makes sense.

everything was in it's correct spot to him, but to anyone else it was randomly spread around.

i suddenly heard a door close and a voice calling for someone.

it sounded like miles.

as it became clearer i could tell that it was him, and what he was saying.

"flora! i'm home! flora?"

his voice became louder as he walked down the halls towards his room.

"where is she- oh hi baby," he smiled as he saw me sitting down on the ground.

his smile widened as he looked at my lap to see d/n.

"he's so much cuter in real life oh my god," said miles, crouching down in front of me giving d/n a gentle pat on the ear.

d/n slowly woke up from the sudden attention and stretched out, causing miles to get pawed in the face slightly.

he laughed and flora came in to see us petting d/n.


miles jumped but when he looked back he stood up and walked over to flora lifting her up and giving her a big hug.

"i missed youuuu," said flora muffled, as her face was against miles' sweater coated chest.

"i missed you too, flora,"

"did you see how cute the puppy is? his name is d/n!" she smiled, jumping down from miles' arms, pulling him over to me as she sat on his bed.

"yeah he's adorable," said miles.

"speaking of puppies, can i switch spots with him?" asked miles, crouching down again and rubbing d/n's belly.

my eyes widened as i processed what he had just said.

miles wants to sit on my lap.

what the fuck is going on-

my thoughts got interrupted as d/n was lifted off of my lap and given to flora.

"go play with him in the living room, okay?" said miles, ushering flora out the door with d/n.


as i heard her steps and giggles fade, miles came over and sat down beside me.

"i just want to give you cuddles," he said.

miles put his chin on my right shoulder and hugged my arm.

"please," he turned my head to face him and kissed my nose gently.

he slid his hand down my arm and took my hand in his, giving it a small squeeze.

i smiled and sighed, patting my lap.

he grinned and sat down on my lap leaning the back of his head on my left shoulder.

i felt his curls on my neck and shivered.

miles turned his head and gently kissed my neck.

"hi," he whispered into my ear.

i laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly.

he held my hands in front of him and leaned his head again on my shoulder.

i was loving this moment with him.

just the two of us.

doing nothing but hugging eachother.

i felt him relax in my arms more and i could tell he was asleep.

i was super comfortable and tired so i let my eyes close and fell asleep as well, holding onto miles tightly as i drifted away to my dreams.

hiii this one is shit because i haven't written in 1st person in so long that it's weird to me 😌. anyway hope you lovelies enjoyed 🥺❤️. btw if you have any requests comment down below please!! or dm me if you want :)

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