4. 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤

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Y/n Pov

3:00 am

I woke up in pure darkness.

My head was pounding, and my throat was sore.

I reached to turn on my lamp that sat quiet and still on my night stand.

the light shined across my bedroom lighting up my walls.

I pushed myself out of my warm blankets and sheets and fixed my oversized hoodie as I walked into my hallway quietly, trying not to wake up my parents.

I held my throat softly, trying to make it stop producing harsh pain in my neck.

"fuck..." I mumbled, as I stumbled down my hallway.

I walked cautiously into my kitchen turning on the light.

well trying to at least.

I flicked the switch up and down, up and down, and up and down, once again, but nothing happened.

"shit." I took in a shaky breath and walked into my nearly pitch black kitchen thinking that I would be murdered.

"you won't get murdered, you won't get murdered, you won't get murdered." I said.

I sighed in disbelief.

"yes I will, yes I will, yes I will."

as I slowly reached for a glass in my cabinet, I felt an arm rap around my waist and a hand cover my mouth.

Since my mouth was covered, all I did was whimper in total fear.

my actual worst nightmare came true.

something kidnaps and/or murders me in the dark.

this time it's probably gonna be both.


I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks.

I really had no idea what to do.

I felt soft curls against my right temple.

"Shhh," the stranger spoke quietly in my ear.

"you don't wanna wake up your family..."

I recognized the voice and the curls that were still lightly touching my head.

I slowly reached for what I hope was Miles' wrist, and pulled his hand carefully off my mouth.

I suddenly felt soft lips on my cheek.


"it's me." he replied softly in my ear, once again.

i let out a sigh of relief.

i slowly turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist in a tight hug.

"why did you do that?" i whispered so i wouldn't wake anyone up.

"I knocked on your window a few times but when you didn't answer I let myself in." he started.

"You weren't exactly there, but I heard steps down the hall so I followed them and found you."

I hummed in response to his explanation.

"You didn't have to act like you were gonna kidnap me..." I retorted softly.

"Actually, I did." Miles spoke.

I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows, hoping he could see my face of confusion in the obscurity of my kitchen.

He bent down slightly to my hight and rubbed both my arms soothingly.

"Otherwise you would've woken up your whole street." he replied, chuckling quietly.

I slapped his arm and he straightened back to his normal hight, still stifling a few laughs.

"i still need my water..." i said.

"go back to your room babygirl, i'll bring it to you." Miles responded, nodding towards the hallway that led to my bedroom.


my feet dragged against the polished floors and i made my way to my bedroom.

i heard the faint sound of the tap running as i sat upright in my bed starring at my open door.

the tall figure of the boy stepped through the doorway with a glass of water in hand.

he sat down on the edge of my bed, handing me the cool glass.

some of it was fogged so my fingerprints were shown when i changed the way i held it.

i gulped the thin liquid and cringed as i felt it go down my throat painfully.

once i had finished drinking the water, i set the glass down on my bedside table.

Miles had watched me the whole time.

i was used to his stalker like behavior, but sometimes it was more that he was admiring me.

i only knew that because he told me.


[3rd person]

the two sat in Y/n's bedroom quietly.

Miles was watching her as she read her book intensely.

he admired her love for reading and admired her just for her.

she was beautiful, inside and out.

the girl was funny, sarcastic, kind, just the perfect height for him too.

she was just perfect for him, and only him.

"you're so beautiful..." the boy said, watching her peal her eyes from the pages she could get lost in so easily.

her cheeks brightened to a pinkish-red color as she smiled at him.

"you know, when i watch you sometimes i do it because I'm bored, but most of the time it's to admire how amazing you are..."

Y/n smiled once more as she pulled the boy closer to her.

she starred at him with so much love and happiness that she couldn't keep it inside.

their lips collided with each other's in sync.

one of her hands rested on the back of his neck while one went up to his hair.

both of Miles' hands held her cheeks and he deepened the kiss.

~end of flashback~

"lay down." he said.

i pushed myself under my soft covers and got in a comfortable position.

Miles crawled over beside me and slipped under the blankets.

his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to him.

i breathed in his soft scent and snuggled in closer to him.

his dark red sweater was soft to the touch and warmed my oddly cold nose.

that night i slept just fine, but when my mom came to wake me up in the morning,

he was gone.

heyyy this one is a little long so i have been working on it for a while. thank you so much for all the reads!! 🥺💖

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