3. 𝐎𝐨𝐨𝐡 P.2

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Miles pov

I remained in my seat as I observed my acquaintances all dash to the front of the classroom in commotion to figure out whom they were assigned too.

I, not having a care in the world, waited until everyone had returned with their designated partner to wander up to the board myself.

I curiously read the names appertained to a multitude of teenagers and found my own verging on one I admired deeply.


My eyes travelled to the girl who was already watching me, my tall and lanky figure advanced toward her.

"would you accompany me to the tables?" I requested as she nodded her head gently in agreement.

"Oooh, the freak got a girlfriend!" one of the twits of our classroom commented.

I carefully turned to face the female, heat rushing to her cheeks.

"uh um, let's start the project." she murmured and pulled out a stool from underneath the table we selected.


the sonorous sound of the bell rang in my ears as the class concluded like expected at 3:00 pm, signalling we could depart and get ready to go home.

y/n pushed her way out of the classroom and marched straight to her locker, forgetting her science book.

I kneeled, gripped the large textbook in my pale boney hand and stepped out of the sizable room into the cramped halls.

I re-adjusted the straps of my backpack as I made my way to her locker, trying my hardest not to knock into students scampering from room to room.

"y/n," I uttered quietly, tapping her shoulder while doing so.

she gasped almost noiselessly and turned around to meet my obsidian colored hair, covering my face and tired eyes, observing the surprised look that she had.

"Hey, Miles..." she mumbled softly, her eyes drifting to her y/f/c (your favourite color) sneakers covering her feet.

"you forgot this," I stated, handing her the textbook she left all alone on the tile flooring of the classroom.

"oh, thank you," she replied and accepted the workbook that she had nearly forgotten.

her hands brushed against mine as she gripped the book tightly in her two small hands.

I felt my cheeks tingle and heat up slightly at the contact and looked up to see y/n's red face.

"um, bye Miles," she whispered and walked out the doors of our school, gripping her backpack straps tightly and looking down once again.


hi guys! hope you liked this!!! also if you're wondering why the like vocbulary changed when it was miles' pov its because i personally think hes like more sofisticated and shit so i made it more 'fAnCy'. lol k byeee

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