5. 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧

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3rd person

thunder erupted in the dark sky as y/n watched in awe when heavy rain drops fell to the dark green grass.

she could hear the soft noise of them tapping on the window, then sliding down gracefully, dropping to the pavement below.

y/n ran down to her front door and grabbed her thin rain coat.

it was a bright yellow.

she stepped out into the pouring rain and walked down her street not even knowing where she was heading.

y/n adored the booming sound the rain made as it hit her hood covered head rapidly.

the sounds of her footsteps tuned out by the random thunder bursts every so often.

after a few minutes of wandering, she was walking down a small path through the forest.

she strolled on the petite walking space until she found a road.

a small grey car drove past her.

y/n's hair temporarily floated in the air, then the smaller strands stuck to her misted face.

she continued on listening to the rain get heavier and heavier every so often.

at some point she had been walking outside for so long, that the light and happy rain turned into a heavy and depressed storm.

y/n stopped in front of a large gate.

she recognized it as miles' home.

suddenly it opened and she jumped back in surprise.

a figure started running towards her.

it was miles.

she waved slightly and her small smile turned into a laugh as miles slightly slipped.

once he finally reached the girl he had a small grin on his face.

the rain had caused most of his bouncy curls to flatten and stick to his forehead.

she carefully brushed them off his forehead and examined his delicate features.

he did the same and his hand moved to rest on her cheek gently.

she looked deep into his dark brown eyes that had stings of red underneath from multiple sleepless nights he experienced.

he pulled her close to him their foreheads touching softly.

a sudden burst of thunder startled y/n and she flinched slightly.

miles' soft smile turned into a quiet laugh.

"it's ok, i'm here." he said.

the pale boy moved a strand of wet hair from the girls face and brought her in for a kiss.

their lips moved softly together as it was innocent but also passionate.

when the two pulled apart they both looked at eachother in admiration.

y/n lightly kissed miles on the nose and smiled.

"we should head inside, yeah? it's getting pretty bad out here..." she suggested.

"yeah. come on." miles agreed and reached his hand out for her to take.

she intertwined their fingers and they both quickly ran to the large house softly giggling.

heres an update my lovelies ❤️ thank you so much for all the reads!! 😭🥺❤️

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