6. 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬

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this is a longer one lovelies ❤️

3rd person

the two young girls played outside, the navy skies surrounding their soft laughter.

flora told y/n to wait until she returned, as she was retrieving another doll for the girls to play with.

y/n sat quietly on the dark grass, her breathing becoming heavy.

the young teen was horrified of the dark.

especially after that one day with miles, kate and flora.


miles sat quietly in the front of the car as y/n and flora sat in the backseat giggling about something they had said earlier.

flora sat close to the girl as her breathing started to become heavy.

"Are you alright flora?" y/n asked with concern lining her voice.

"Please stop. I don't wanna go." flora said, her small voice shaking.

"oh no honey, we're almost at the gate we'll be fine." kate replied assuringly.

"I don't wanna go! STOP!" flora screamed, unbuckling her seat belt.

"Hey, shh flora it's alright." y/n said grabbing her small shoulder.

flora moved away from y/n reaching to open the car door.

"hey, what are you doing- flora stay in your seat." kate said.

"stop the car." miles ordered, looking back at flora.

"no, leave your seatbelt on. sit down!" kate told flora, ignoring miles' demand.

flora had multiple tears flowing down her cheeks.

y/n held flora's small hand attempting to comfort the girl.

"y/n, miles! tell her to stop or I'm gonna die!"

miles worriedly looked back at flora once again.

"kate, please stop the car, flora clearly doesn't want to go!" y/n yelled, squeezing flora's hand trying to calm her down.

"Stop the car!" miles aggressively yelled at kate.

kate looked at miles surprised.

"miles I don't want to die!" flora screamed holding y/n's hand tightly.

"STOP THE CAR OR I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" miles yelled at kate.

she stopped the car looking back at flora through the mirror.

"I told you to stop." miles said, angrily glaring at kate.

the sobbing flora rushed out of the car, y/n following behind looking towards kate with a disappointed expression.

"hey, flora-" kate tried to tell flora she was sorry as the small girl ran.

"oh, Jesus..." said miles under his breath.

𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍Where stories live. Discover now