8. 𝐒𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝

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3rd person

the young teen walked down the path towards his girlfriends' home.

his black shoes crunched the few dehydrated leaves that were on the sidewalk.

he wasn't walking very fast so it was a soft slapping sound when he stepped on the concrete.

it was just the sound of his steps as he walked, the silence surrounding his thoughts.

he arrived at y/n's house but didn't see her outside anywhere.

he looked around, his feet taking him up her short driveway.

his hands in his pockets, he leaned over to peek into her livingroom window.

there was a little post-it note up against it.

'catch me if you can, baby.'

he turned around perplexed and ran down the driveway, taking his hands out of his pockets, shielding his eyes from the bright sun.

as he looked around he saw a figure moving further in the distance.

must be y/n...  he thought.

he ran down the sidewalk, his shoes slapping the concrete.

he got closer, but it also seemed like he was running away.

whoever it was, they were moving quite fast.

he called out y/n's name nervously, not really wanting to deal with the embarrassment of it being some random person.

whoever it was stopped and turned around, smiling and yelling towards miles.

"hurry up, twig!"

miles rolled his eyes and new immediately it was y/n.

she always jokingly called him a twig as he was pretty skinny.

he started running once more while y/n waited for him this time.

once he started to get closer, he realized that she was on a skateboard.

"you skate? since... when?" said miles, out of breath, slowing down as he reached y/n.

she was sat on her board and looked up at him with a chuckle.

"i started last week... you wanna try?" asked y/n.

"no way. i'll fall straight on my ass," he laughed sitting down on the sidewalk beside her, kicking a small pebble.

she smiled and looked out on the road, resting her head on her hand.

trees and bushes lined the roads and houses adding greenery to the small neighborhood y/n lived in.

"what are you doing here anyway? come to see me?" she asked, grabbing his right hand with her left and playing with his fingers.

"well i'm thinking you knew that i was coming. you left me a note," a small smile appearing onto his freckled face.

he looked down at his and y/n's hands being moved around softly.

she moved his fingers up and down, tapping them on the sidewalk lightly, sometimes tapping on his knuckles as well.

"come on, up," y/n said suddenly, pushing herself off her board.

she reached out her hand expectantly as miles rolled his eyes and gripped onto y/n's hand.

"what are you doing?" miles questioned as y/n took off her helmet.

"teaching you how to skateboard," she smiled and plopped the helmet on his head gesturing him to clip it on.

he did as he was told and clipped on the helmet, adjusting it slightly to fit his head better.

"now i want you to hold my hands and step on the board," said y/n.

"i-i don't wanna fall..." said miles embarrassingly.

y/n could see in his eyes that he was scared.

"it's alright miles, you don't have to if you aren't comfortable," she said assuringly.

he looked at the skateboard and squeezed his eyes shut.

miles sighed and looked y/n in the eyes.

"i'll do it. i'm okay."


"there we go... you're doing great," y/n smiled at him as she held his hands tightly, pulling him down the sidewalk as he stood on the skateboard.

he looked down at his feet then at her face and smiled happily.

"this is fun," miles' laughter filled the cool air.

y/n continued pulling miles down the sidewalk, slowly speeding up every few steps.

the two enjoyed the quiet evening that consisted of just themselves and a vibrant sunset.

miles and y/n's faces glowed in the orange and red sunlight, the freckles prominent on miles' face especially.

the shiny black helmet the teen had on his head shimmered as he suddenly yelled for y/n to stop.

she jumped slightly in surprise, but then hugged miles' waist slightly to stop him from moving.

he smiled down at her face as she looked at him worriedly.

"what's wrong?" she asked.

miles ignored her question as he jumped off the board, nearly sliding off of it.

he gently moved y/n away from the board as she watched him in confusion.

he crouched down and put his hand out on the ground in front of the skateboard.

an average sized spider crawled onto his hand.

he observed it carefully, not blinking once.

the spider just sat on his pale palm, almost staring back at miles' dark eyes.

his fingers twitched slightly and he pushed down on the spider.

a small crunch echoed in the soft breeze.

y/n's eyes widened as she looked at the squished arachnid and the small stain of blood on his fair skin.

"i wanted to kill it myself, not the board," he smiled.

y/n shook her head and reminded herself that it was miles fairchild and that his creepy behavior was normal.

"i want to practice more, please," said miles attempting to stand on the board.

he retracted his foot from the shaky skateboard, knowing he would fall without y/n, and stood on the sidewalk staring at her.

she walked over to him and grabbed his hands, keeping him still.

"get on then," she smiled.

miles quickly stepped onto the skateboard and y/n pulled him further and further down the sidewalk as the night continued peacefully.

hi guys!!! thank you so much for 15k its crazy!! this one is a longer one but i hope you enjoyed!! 💕

- Mak

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