Chapter Four

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Hey guys, I'm a bit late with this week's update, but work has been crazy busy the last few days. Anyway, hope your week has been going better than mine, lol.

Kiron's POV

Keep your cool, Kiron, just keep your cool. I keep repeating the words over and over in my head. Why? Because it turns out that my Pack members are a bunch of assholes.

We had just started the meeting and all we had done, was inform everyone of the extra training as well as other precautions we have put in place and already everyone was riled up. They were shouting over each other, not even giving Papa a chance to say anything else. 

After a few more minutes of waiting to see if they would shut the fuck up, Raikin had enough. "SILENCE!" he shouted, shoving me to the back of my mind, and the Alpha command had the hall silent in seconds. "Now, if you are all done bickering like a bunch of pussies, maybe we can get this meeting over and done with. I would honestly rather be spending my time with my Mate, but I'm here instead. So all of you are going to keep the fuck silent, while you listen to us, then you can say your piece respectfully, at the end of it." Raikin says in a stern tone and I feel his power coursing through my body.

I looked at all the faces in front of me and I'm glad that they decide to listen now. I feel Raikin give me control again and I look at Papa, nodding at him to continue.

"Right, now that you are all calm again, as I was saying, training will start for the younger children as well, from the ages of ten and up. The children younger than ten will be under guard at all times while they are outside as well as the elderly and anyone else that is not able to fight, or protect themselves." He stops there and looks around, once he sees that no one is going to speak up again, he continues.

"There is a very good reason for this and I will be explaining it to you very soon, but first I want to welcome back Laken and Raven, my children's Mates. As you all know, they have been gone for almost a year and only came back a few days ago. Welcome home boys." He says, grinning over at my Mate as well as Raven who was standing next to his brother.

"Okay, now we get to the main reason for this meeting. As you all know, two Council members were murdered and another two were attacked, but luckily came to no harm. The reason for this attack is a prophecy that was foretold when Kiron and Kira were still babies, just after the war against Belladonna and her rouges, when she went up against my Mate, Peyton and his brothers." As he said this, we all looked into the crowd and we could easily spot the ones with the knowing smirks on their faces.

I zoned out as Papa told them what the prophecy entailed, too busy gauging everyones reactions. It came like an explosion, everyone shouting at once and the bits that I was able to decipher, were not favourable at all.

I heard shouts of how I wasn't worthy of being King, about the fact that I was gay, about the fact that I was a pushover. Almost all of it lined up with the shit that Nico was spouting and by this time I was well and truly fed up. Raikin tried to push forward again to deal with the unruly crowd, but that would just confirm everything they were saying. It would make me weak if I had to keep relying on my wolf or my Mate. I felt the trickle of pride coming from Raikin and his whispered words sent a boost of confidence through me. This is why I chose you as my human Kiron. You are far stronger than you, or anyone else realise.

I stepped forward, keeping those words in mind and I felt Laken step up next to me. I looked up at him and smiled, then turned to the people that I called family before this meeting.

"You say I am weak, but I can easily crush each and every one of you, but I choose not to. You say I am gay and that there can't be two Kings, I ask you, why not. Won't it make us more powerful to have two strong wolves as leaders, irrespective of our genders. You say that I am not worthy of the crown, who are you to judge that? I have never misused my position in this Pack. All I am and all I have ever and will ever be, is fair, non-judgemental and kind to my people. I have always stood for those weaker than me, ready to protect them with my life. So please explain to me, where am I not worthy to lead you? I was going to be your Alpha anyway. Alpha to one of the strongest Packs in the world, yet you can not accept me as your King?" All of this was said in a calm, even tone and I saw a lot of the people drop their heads in shame.

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