Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys, thank you for your patience over the last few weeks, it's been absolutely crazy, but I hope you all enjoy this update.

Laken's POV

It's only been a week since we found out I was pregnant and I'm already hiding from my Mate.

I love Kiron and Raikin, don't get me wrong, but I was slowly going insane. Kiron was barely in control lately, because Raikin would randomly take over and hound me about eating, resting and how I was now on 'light' exercise.

Then the few occasions I get to spend with Kiron, he is feeling guilty for allowing Raikin to impregnate me and  wanting to know how he can help me.

It was all really sweet, in a way, but I needed more than just a ten minute walk around the house or constantly being coddled. I have now even been banned from any of the meetings about the attacks.

To say I was pissed would be an understatement, so here I was, hiding away from my Mate, because I was sulking and I needed a break from the suffocating care my Mate was trying to lavish on me.

I stood in one of the downstairs bathrooms, facing the mirror. I've been inspecting my abdomen for any signs of the baby growing, but so far, there was nothing. I still had my rock hard abs.

Peyton said that it will start changing within the next two or three weeks, and secretly I was really happy that I was carrying my Mate's child.  I was just feeling a bit self-conscious about it.

I lowered my shirt back over my tummy and sighed as I sensed my Mate getting closer, looks like he found me.  Just as I was about to reach over to unlock the door, it clicked from the outside and a very sulky mate was standing in the doorway. I forgot his powers were getting easier to use.

"Can you maybe explain to me why you are in here when I explicitly told you to go lie down and rest?" He growled out and I immediately knew Raikin was in control.

I felt my irritation spike at his words, but I tried to push it down. "I just wanted some time to myself, Raikin." I sighed, and that seemed to fuel his temper. He growled loudly and pulled me towards his body.

"What is that supposed to mean, Laken? That I'm not supposed to care about my pregnant Mate?" He said through a clenched jaw.

I didn't like his attitude and I sure as hell didn't appreciate being manhandled by my own fucking Mate, so I ripped my arm out of his grip and shot him a withering glare, before putting my hand on the door handle.

"It wasn't about not wanting your love or care. It was about getting away from the suffocating attention. I love you Raikin, more than anything else on this planet, but you need to get your fucking shit straight and remember a few things. One, I am your Mate, not just another pack member. Two, I am still your equal in everything. Three, I am and always will be a warrior. I am NOT a fucking invalid, I'm pregnant, that's all. Now, I am going to leave this bathroom and you will not follow me. You need to think about your behaviour over the last few days, especially just now and come find me when you are ready to treat me right." With those words, I opened the door and left, refusing to look at him.

I had caught a glimpse of his shocked expression, but I wasn't going to cave just to put him at ease. It was time that Raikin got his head out his ass and started acting like the King he was supposed to be, not the over grown child with the over inflated ego he was at the moment.

I made my way to our room and once I was inside, I closed and locked the door behind me. My heart was racing and I felt so close to tears, but I wasn't about to start crying over this. I was stronger than that and I had to keep showing Raikin that I was still the same strong wolf he knew. Nothing has changed apart from the little being that was now growing inside my belly.

I lay down on the bed and pulled my Mate's pillows towards me, to surround myself with his scent. Then I put my hand on my tummy and rubbed it. "Your dad is a bit of a dick sweetheart, but he'll come around. He's just under a lot of stress and let everything go straight to his damn head." I mumbled, and smiled down at my flat abdomen. I kept trying to imagine what it would look like with a pregnant bump, but I just couldn't picture it.

After a few minutes, the day caught up with me and I felt my eyelids grow heavy, before eventually closing.

I don't know how long I napped for, but I woke up to fingers gently running through my hair. I blinked my heavy eyes, and looked up at Kiron or Raikin's worried face. I wasn't too sure who was at the forefront right now.

He saw I was awake and gently kissed my forehead. "I'm so sorry baby, I was so wrapped up in the thought of having a baby, that I didn't take a moment to think of how this will impact you. I have been so selfish." So it was Raikin then. I wasn't angry anymore, I just wanted some freedom.

"I don't mind having your baby Raikin, but I need some space and some freedom. I can't be caged in like this. I won't do anything to harm our baby, my love, but you won't even let me sit in during meetings anymore. It makes me feel like I'm worthless. You need to remember one thing, Odin is submissive to you, not me." I stated and watched as his eyes regained some of its spark.

"I know baby, and I'm truly sorry. I will give you your space and if you say you can handle something, then I will do my best to not interfere. BUT, when it comes to fighting or any form of physical activity that I feel might harm our unborn baby, then I will not hesitate to put a stop to it, is that clear?" He asked and I had to smile at my big, bad wolf, always wanting the last say.

"Okay, fair enough, but you really need to keep in mind that I am your equal, not one of the normal pack members. I don't appreciate you grabbing my arm like that, Raikin." I had to make him understand that it was wrong. Kiron knew it, but Raikin was a very old soul, from a very, very different time and he didn't always understand the softer approach towards things.

"I know, Kiron explained to me why it was wrong. Please understand, it was never my intention to treat you inferior to myself, or to manhandle you. I was trying to get a point across and used the wrong approach to get it done. I'm used to a more forceful and straightforward time. I'm trying to adjust to this softer way of doing things, but I will admit that I am battling with it." I listened as he explained himself and I understood the situation a bit better, so I pulled him into a hug.

"I'll let it go this time babe, but don't let it happen again. I might be pregnant, but I am still a warrior and I am trained in very specific forms of torture, usually involving the lower half of the body." I whispered in his ear and kissed him just below his ear.

He quickly pulled away and looked down at me, horror written clearly across his face and I smiled my most innocent smile at him. "Noted." He bit out, before swooping down and kissing me to within an inch of my life.

We still had so much to get through, but I was glad we managed to get this sorted out and now we had a better understanding of each other.

Maybe now, we could actually focus on getting this fight over and done with and get our hands on whoever was sitting behind all of it. I was sure that we will be able to avoid everything, if we could just capture the person behind it.

There we go my loves. I hope you enjoyed this update, because after this, it gets a bit more intense and things start escalating.

Anyway, you all know what to do: Vote, Comment & Share.

Love lots xxx

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