Chapter Thirteen

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Hey guys, thank you for your patience. I really hope you are all keeping healthy and safe. For those of you who don't know yet, I've started a fluffy short story called Love Me. First chapter is up and I'm overwhelmed with the awesome response it has received so far. Give it a go, and let me know what you think.

Laken's POV

Walking to Kiron's office, I cursed Odin in my head, over and over again. "Did you really have to be such a slut for Raikin last night? I heard you Odin, begging him to go harder. You know it takes longer to recover from him." I grumbled at my happily purring wolf. You would swear he was a fucking cat with the sounds coming from him.

"It's not my fault that he's good at what he does. Stop being such a little bitch and just admit you had just as much fun as I did." He retorted before going back to his happy purring.

He blocked me off from saying anymore and I cursed him out, before I decided to concentrate on something other than my sore ass.

I reached Kiron's office and opened the door, walking inside. I was greeted by the strange, but sexy appearance of my Mate and another shocking one. Kira was standing next to him and they seemed to be looking over some maps, but her looks threw me off for a second. Her once blonde hair was now a fiery red with black tips. Her eyes, when she looked up at me were the same as her brother's now.

"You finally decided to join us?" Kira asked with a smirk pulling at her lips. I flipped her off and saw Kiron's shoulders shaking as he tried to control his chuckles. He looked up at me and I could see the amusement in his golden eyes and I mind linked him. "I wouldn't be feeling so smug about this if I was you baby. Raikin and Odin had their fun, so it's my turn next." I watched as his smile disappeared and his eyes blazed a little bit warmer and his cheeks became flushed, causing me to smirk at my beautifully flustered Mate.

I walked up to him and pulled him into my arms for a quick kiss, before I looked down at the desk to see what the siblings were doing.

As I thought, the desk was covered in maps, with some areas circled in red and some in yellow. "So what's up with the circled areas?" I asked as I let Kiron go to have a proper look at the maps.

"The red circles indicate the areas where we have found most of the resistance. They are also the areas where our pack members seem to have disappeared to. The yellow circles indicate where there seems to be some resistance, but most of the people are either for Kiron ruling or are neutral about it." Kira answered and I had a closer look at the red markers.

They were all places we have had trouble with before, so it wasn't such a big surprise. I scanned the map and saw a black spot to the South of our pack borders.

"What's this?" I asked, pointing to the small spot.

"That is where we think whoever is behind this whole mess, is hiding. We have had elders looking into it and that area seems to be giving off surges of energy that make the elders think it's coming from a witch, a really powerful witch." Kiron said, his voice hard and angry.

I looked up at him and saw the anger reflected on his face. I understood why he was angry. Innocents have been murdered and whoever was behind it, was going to pay for it. None of this could have been done by anyone other than a witch. There was also his family history with the witch, Belladonna. He might have been a newborn when it all went down, but he has heard enough of that time for him to hate witches.

I pulled him back into my arms and held him as I tried to sooth him as I looked over at his sister. She looked at Kiron with worry clear in her eyes and as she looked at me, her face hardened with determination. Whoever tried to hurt her brother would pay with their lives. I knew there and then that she would help me protect him with everything she had.

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