Chapter Seven

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Hey my loves, I'm finally back. I'm so sorry for being away for so long, it's just been chaos for me. In the last two months I've lost a very dear cousin of mine, had my depression to deal with, my oldest daughter graduated from highschool. And last but definitely not least, you all know how close I am to my mum, well, she got married. It's been a rollercoaster ride of emotions for me, both good and bad, and I was really battling to cope. But you guys were absolutely amazing and so patient. Thank you guys.

At the top is a pic from the wedding. I'm the one in the red, lol. Always have to be a bit extra.

Anyway, on to a new chapter and hope you guys like it.

Kiron's POV

Watching Kira with Raven was truly one of the sweetest things I had ever seen. She was always so controlled and seemed almost cold to most people. But with him, she was bubbly and happy and free to be the sweet girl we all knew she was.

The biggest problem for her, was fighting for her place in the Pack and then keeping it. The guys seemed to be from a completely different era, thinking that she should be cooking and getting ready to carry her Mate's pups, not fighting with them, even though she has proven over and over again that she is a better fighter than them.

I knew it got to her and a few times their cruel taunts had hurt her, but she was truly a master at hiding what she was actually feeling. To her, showing emotion was a weakness that people would exploit, and unfortunately, I had to agree.  Raven was the only one who got to see the true Kira and that showed the amount of love and trust that was part of their relationship.

Like now, she was greeting Raven like she hadn't seen him in weeks, instead of just a few days. I turned to Laken and saw him smiling at them as well, and I moved closer to his warm body, cuddling myself into his side.

"It's amazing to watch the two of them, isn't it? Almost like watching a flower bloom instantly." Laken murmured close to my ear and I had to suppress a shiver of desire as his breath tickled my sensitive earlobe.

"I agree, Kira looks almost sweet and harmless when she is around Raven." I laughed, and I felt Laken's answering chuckle vibrate against my body.

Once again I felt my body responding to the closeness of my Mate. I also knew, from talking to Raikin that I will be going into heat real soon and so will Kira. I wasn't scared about it or anything, because I had my dad explain to me what I should expect with the powers and everything else.

I was so lost in my own thoughts, that I didn't realise Laken was trying to get my attention, until I felt a nudge in my side. I looked up at him and he quirked an eyebrow at me. I blushed and smiled back, shaking my head to clear my muddled thoughts.

"I think Raven is ready to give his report now." He whispered in my ear and I quickly swung around to where Kira and her Mate had been.

Kira was walking away, towards the training grounds, no doubt to give Raymond and Rico a good thrashing. I shook my head, those poor idiots didn't know what was coming for them. Well Raymond should, seeing how Kira had taught him a lesson before, but it seems he didn't learn anything the first time round.

Raven came to us and hugged his brother, before hugging me as well, drawing a low growl from Laken. I looked at my Mate in shock, because he had never done that before and Raven had given me hugs for years. "Sorry." Laken mumbled and I just chuckled, letting it go.

"Let's go inside so we can get whatever information you have for us, then you are free to go Raven. I'm sure you are itching to spend some time with Kira, so the sooner we get this done, the better." I said, as I turned to the door of the Pack house and made my way inside and to Papa's office.

As soon as the door closed, Raven's whole demeanor changed and I saw the worry seeping through him. He went to the windows and looked down at the yard, where a few children were playing under the supervision of a few guards.

"We have a big problem Kiron. News of the prophecy has spread and there are some that are not happy about it." He ran his hand through his hair nervously, before looking at us.

"I lost the murderers we were hunting, completely lost any trace of them, like they were being protected. We were going to come home straight away, but then I started hearing some things and decided to stick around and learn what I could. Someone is out there poisoning your name, Kiron. The things being said about you, it's bad." Raven looked at me apologetically, but it wasn't his fault. He wasn't the one smearing my name, he wasn't the one causing people to hate me.

I indicated for him to continue as Laken started rubbing soothing circles into my lower back. I leaned back against him and let his soothing scent wrap around me.

"Okay, well some of what is being said, is that you are demanding, ruthless, cruel, spoilt and that you orchestrated the death of your pack members during that meeting." I felt the growl rip through me as Raikin pushed to come out, but this was seriously not the time. We needed to find out everything, before he lost his head and made things worse. So I pushed him back down and promised him some time with Odin if he backed down. That seemed to calm him down a little, but I could still feel the rage pulsing through him.

I nodded for Raven to continue and leaned further into Laken's arms, hoping he will be able to keep me calm. Raikin was not the only one fuming. 

"Right, on top of that, there are obviously a lot being said about the fact that you have a male Mate. Some even going so far as saying that your parents forced this Mating on you, because of their own twisted sexuality, their words, not mine." Raven held his hands up and it was only then that I realised that my eyes were itching, meaning they were switching between my colour and that of my wolf. I turned to face Laken and stuck my face in his neck, his scent calming me down. 

The office was silent while I fought to calm my wolf as well as myself, and eventually I turned to Raven. "I want you to put a team together, one that you can trust implicitly. I want them to start digging and to find out whatever they can about whoever might be behind this. As soon as they have an identity, I want a location. This is going to stop, one way or another." Laken pulled me closer into his body and I could feel the hard ridges of his body, moulding to my back. I almost groaned out loud at the feel of the beautiful body holding me so close, but I controlled it. 

Raven nodded at me, before smirking at his brother. "I better go see what my crazy girl is up to. I seriously hope she teaches him a lesson he will never forget." And with those words he hurried out of there, rushing to his Mate's side. 

I slowly turned around within the circle of Laken's arms and smiled at the slight look of trepidation on his face. He knew the deal I had made with Raikin, and it wasn't like he didn't want Odin to spend time with Raikin. His real issue was the fact that Raikin insisted on calling Odin, Pup. It was a bit unusual and he needed time to get used to it. His expression is cute as hell though, I thought to my wolf, who happily agreed.

I saw him finally give in and his eye colour change, as well as his entire persona. It was almost as if he was softer, more gentle and sweet. As soon as I realised it was now Odin in front of me, I was shoved to the side and Raikin took over, smashing our lips to those of our Mate's. I tried to warn him to slow down, but he just growled and told me to shut the fuck up or go to sleep.

I sighed internally and relaxed, Raikin would never hurt Odin, so there wasn't anything to actually worry about.

I should never have thought like that though, I just jinxed myself. As soon as the thought went through my mind, my body felt like it was on fire and Laken's scent intensified ten fold. I wanted to rip his clothing from his body and Mate him right there and then and it seems my Mate had the same thoughts as we started ripping at each others clothing.

My last thought, before things got out of hand, was What the fuck just happened.

There you guys go, it's not long, but if you guys know me, then you know what is up next, so I kept it for a separate chapter. See you all next week, and let me know what you thought of this chapter.

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Love lots xxx

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