Chapter Fourteen

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Hey my loves, back with another update. This lockdown is slowly driving me insane, so to help my mental health, I am writing more. It keeps me occupied. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Kiron's POV

First thing I did after waking up this morning, was call the doctor's office to make an appointment for Laken. I don't care if he thinks he is feeling fine, I wanted to know what was wrong with him.

What made me more anxious, was Raikin. He's refused to let me leave Laken's side and kept nudging me to help my Mate, even when it started irritating Laken.

So now we are heading to the Pack clinic to see the doctor and find out exactly what was going on with Laken.

"I don't see why I have to go Kiron. I feel perfectly fine now. It was probably just a small bug or something." He complained and I shook my head at his stubbornness.

"We don't get sick Laken, ever. So how in the hell would you pick up a tummy bug? I know you are feeling fine, but I want to make sure you are, in fact, okay. Besides Raikin is behaving strangely about it as well, so that's setting me on edge even more." I explained and he just huffed before following me through the doors of the clinic.

We were shown to a room and told to wait for the doctor as she was just finishing off with another patient.

Laken was restless as we waited and I grabbed his hand and held it in between mine. I know he was only being a grump because he was worried as well. He was just too stubborn to admit it.

A few minutes later, Doctor Linda stepped into the room. "Good morning Alphas. How can I help you?" She asked as she sat down opposite us.

Laken was just about to open his mouth and probably deny something was wrong, but I jumped in before he could.

"He was feeling sick last night and I want to know why. Werewolves don't get tummy bugs, yet he was throwing up. He also seemed to have slight dizzy spells before that." I stated and I saw her looking at Laken in surprise.

A look of shock spread over her face as she stared at Laken. "It cant be possible." She whispered and she now has both our attention.

"What's not possible Linda?" I asked and I felt Raikin trying to push to the surface. Even he didn't know why he was acting the way he was. All he knew was that he felt extra protective of his Mate.

"Um....can I do a quick scan to see something Alpha? It won't take long." She asked, her voice still barely above a whisper from shock.

She was really starting to freak me out and as I looked at Laken, I saw how worried he was now as well, so I just nodded at her.

She rushed out the office, and we were left to our own devices. "Are you okay baby?" I asked Laken and he stared at me for a moment, before he slowly shook his head.

I got up and pulled him out of his seat and just held him. "Whatever it is, we'll work it out, okay?" I asked him as I pulled back to look him in the eye.

He just nodded, so I leaned forward to kiss him just as the door swung open and the doctor stood there, blushing brightly at interrupting our moment.

I motioned for her to come in and saw she was pushing the ultrasound machine. I knew what it was, because it was used on me when I was small, after I had swallowed one of my small toys and they needed to see exactly where it was so they could remove it.

I also knew what its main function was and I burst out laughing. "You've got to be kidding me Linda. He's not an Omega, nor is he in any way submissive. So please explain to me why you want to use that on him." I asked in between chuckles.

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