Fred Lupin

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"Weasley, George" the tall lady with the green witch robes called loudly. My twin brother smiled at me and went up to the stool where the old hat sat. The same old hat that has sorted my older brothers into the bravest house of them all, Gryffindor! My parents have been sorted into Gryffindor and so have many generations before me. It's the greatest honor to be sorted into Gryffindor.

"GRYFFINDOR" the hat yelled and the red clad student-filled table stood to their feet welcoming my brother as he sat next to Percy, our older brother, with a huge smile on his face. He turned to look at me and gave me two thumbs up 👍🏻.

"Weasley, Fred" I heard my name being called as I felt my stomach start to rumble with nerves, what if I didn't get sorted into Gryffindor? Would my parents hate me? Would I lose my brothers? What would happen?

'Mmm another Weasley? How many of you are there? Well that doesn't matter as much as what I see in your young mind young Weasley. I see a lot of bravery like the rest of your family and ancestors, you have lots of intellectual wisdom, you're very loyal and you think quick on your feet, but you have a thirst, a thirst to be different than just another Weasley brother, you want to prove people that you can be your own person, and you would do anything to be successful in this world wouldn't you? Better be-'


The whole Great Hall fell silent, I looked at the Gryffindor table locking eyes with my twin. He smiled at me and gave me the same encouraging thumbs up. Until my older brother slapped his hands down and looked up at me with disappointment and disgust, I could see how he scolded George until Georgie nodded and looked at me sadly before turning and giving me his back. I guess that's what would happen, they would all turn their backs on me.

Slowly but surely the green table stood to their feet and clapped all motioning me over, I smiled at least I had a new family, new brothers and sisters joined by being hated by the other houses. I sat next to an older kid and shook his hand he smiled and welcomed me, other kids around me welcomed me too all saying how cool it was that I was the first Weasley to get sorted into a different house much less Slytherin.

I think I'm going to like it here they didn't seem like bad people like I've been thought to think of them, they seem a lot nicer that any of the red clad or blue clad tables that were sending our table death glares and sneers. The yellow clad table looked unfazed and they waved to some others from my table, they seemed nice too I wonder if they would want to be my friends too or if they acted nice now and showed their true colors later? I hope not.

After the rest of the first years got sorted a few more coming to join our table the feast started and delicious food appeared magically on the tables. I kept glancing at the Gryffindor table to see if George was looking this way and the few times that he was he gave me apologetic glances. And then I would turn to Percy and his eyes were as cold as ice sending me a scowl, I felt tears forming in my eyes at the thought of my brothers hating me as much as Percy seemed to hate me.

I didn't want to be hated.

Will my parents hate me too?

How is this going to change my life?

><><><><><2years later><><><><>

"Hey Rem? Are we going to Diagon Ally?" I yelled from upstairs to my adoptive father.

You must be asking yourself, what happen? Who is 'Rem'? What do I mean with adoptive father? Well let me answer those important questions.

It's been 2 years since the sorting hat yelled Slytherin to a Great Hall filled with people, people that knew my family well and people that knew that the Weasleys were a family of Gryffindors so having a Slytherin son didn't fit into that picture. I was cast out by my brothers at school, in the beginning Percy would send me harsh glares whenever I tried to talk to him or George, then he moved into insults, and finally to a combination of both. George would try to talk to me but always got caught by Percy who then proceeded to scold him, then he would just look at me with apologetic eyes, and his final reaction to me being a Slytherin was just to ignore me, imagine that I didn't exist anymore.

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