Family Portrait

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First OC and non romantic short story, I hope you like it either way.

p.s I'm sorry for not being constant in my updates, but I only write when I feel inspired and when the story/plot flows without too much thought.


"Hey you! the one rushing down the hall!"

I halted and turned, checking that the voice wasn't calling someone around me, but as suspected, it couldn't be since I was running late for lunch and there was no students walking around. I was going to continue on my way since in my search I discovered no one, absolutely no one around so maybe my hunger was driving me crazy and I had imagined the voice.

"Hey I'm talking to you! Do not ignore me child." I was stopped again as I tried to take a step.

"Over here." I caught movement a few steps behind me only to notice that it was a portrait trying to get my attention.

I moved to stand in front of the magical painting only to realize that I had seen this face every Christmas since birth. I smiled and covered my mouth, knowing who it was instantly.

"Ahh finally, what is your name child?" He asked eyeing me up and down, paying extra attention to the color of my robes and the crest over my breast pocket.

"Blue eyes, freckled face, tall, pale, and red hair. You're a Weasley, are you not?" He smiled brightly.

"Yes sir, everyone calls me Freddie, and you, you're Uncle Fred. You haven't aged one bit. You look the same as from the pictures of you and Uncle George." I smile back, in my excitement I had lost my appetite and my stomach wasn't grumbling in empty pain anymore.

"Why thank you, young one. Whose child are you?"


"Oh God that dragon lover reproduced? Who was crazy enough to marry that lunatic?" He laughed but stopped abruptly when he saw my smile vanish and look down at my shoes.

"He's not married. My mother left him when I was born, said she didn't want me in the first place." I replied shaking the thought out and looking at him with a light smile.

"But its alright, Dad loves me enough for the both of them, and I have Nan as well."

"Hell yeah you do, I bet the whole village was there for you growing up, knowing Charlie he called mom every time you so much as sneezed." He laughs and I join him.

"He actually moved back to the burrow until I turned 5, of course Nan made him." I shrugged.

"Yeah, that sounds like mum."


I happily skipped towards the familiar portrait but frowned when I noticed it was empty. I sat across from it and started rummaging through my book trying to find the answers for my Astronomy homework.

"Hello Freddie, been waiting long?" I startled out of my frown at the sudden voice in the silent corridor. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you" he chuckled.

"Not at all. Don't fret I startle easily." I smile.

"Says the girl that lived most of her life with dragons." he clicks his tongue. I scoff.

"Well dragons are loud and obtrusive, so its hard to get startled be something you can hear a mile away" I stick my tongue out at him.

"Alright alright, calm down child" he makes a show and 'calming me down', I roll my eyes.

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