Picture Frame

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It breaks Fred's heart to know he's left behind so many people, behind to hurt and cry over him.

He knows though he knows he would do it again, he saved a lot of students by standing up to that death eater. Not just any students either, first years who you could see were terrified as they had their wands out pointed at the death eater but they were shaking uncontrollably, a couple third years which were not in any better condition than the younger ones, and a few 6th years that were leading the younger ones to safety who when stopped by the death eater had taken a few steps in front of the younger years with their wands at the ready, you could see their terrified faces even when they stood their ground to protect the scared students behind them. They had been running down stairs to the dungeons when they were stopped by the death eater that had her wand pointed at them, and Fred could not just stand aside while she prepared to throw the unforgivable at the youngest and smallest of them all. He had rushed towards them and stood tall.

"Why dont you pick on someone your own size?" He had said bravely as he motioned the kids to move along. He smiled when he saw them running off downstairs.

That was the last time Fred Weasley ever said anything, last time he smiled, last time he breathed.

After that all he remembers is green light, a pitch of pain, and then waking up in an empty hallway that lead you to the Gryffindor common room. Not long after he figured out he had replaced the fat lady and had become the guardian to the Gryffindor house tower. He felt sad when he was informed that he had died and been brought back as a painting, but as he remembered and was reminded that he had saved some students he began to understand that he was glad he was there at the time.

That sense of accomplishment grew when classes started after the war and the students that he had saved visited him and thanked him for saving them, they were all from different houses, there had been 2 or 3 first years of each house, 3 3rd years from Hufflepuff 1 of Ravenclaw and one of Gryffindor, and 4 6th years from Slytherin. The first and third years had been to visit as soon as they found out that he had become a portrait, of course informed by the saved Gryffindors, but the 6th now 7th years had taken about 2 weeks after term started. They cried, thanked him and left. All except for two. They were twins, a boy and girl. They had cried the hardest they had pleaded for forgiveness and when asked why they ashamedly had responded that the death eater had been their oldest sister. He smiled at them widely and told them that it wasnt their fault and that he was happy that he was there to save them. They cried after he said he forgave them even if it wasnt their fault. After that the same saved group would all come to visit whenever they had a chance.

They all had become great friends not caring that they were from different houses, blood statuses, and different ages. They still got together at least once a week and went to visit and talk about what was happening in their classes with Fred. He was glad to see they were friends.

He also got to see all of his friends that had come back for a repeat year. He had been most disappointed when his youngest siblings had not come deciding to just start working when given the opportunity. He did see a bushy haired girl though. She was the only one from the trio to come back as she had to finish her education to become what she desired to become. A teacher. She never stopped though, always rushed and said the password and as soon as he granted her permission she would rush in. He never stopped her seeing as no matter what mood she was in before coming to a stop before him she would always rush past him with tears gathering in her eyes. He knew it hurt her seeing him there so he never stopped to talk to her.

She graduated, top marks as everyone had expected her to and soon after she was in the position McGonagall had once stood in as the transfiguration professor. She never visited Fred.

That changed 4 years after his death, he was the same bubbly happy person he had been in life, he still pranked people though it was much harder now that he was limited to only the portraits and had no object to do so, he would mostly just jump out of nowhere and scare you. He still laughed at you though.

Everyone had once been scared by Fred Weasley one way or another, no matter who you were. Unless you were Hermione Granger. He stayed clear of her path, everyone knew that Fred Weasley and Hermione Granger had been a power couple in their years of schooling and even after his graduation they were still together. There had been rumors of them getting married before she had gone away with Harry Potter to help him find the horcruxes to defeat Voldemort. Though nothing was ever confirmed, and when news of her never stopping at his portrait to talk it was thought to be false.

It was true though, Fred had been planning on asking her to marry him, they had been together since 4th year when he asked her to the yule ball and even though they were young they fell in love and as the years went on they knew they wanted to spend their lives together. Which if you thought about it Fred did.

One night he was surprised to find Hermione leaning in front of his empty portrait when he got back from his nightly walk around the many portraits at Hogwarts. She looked up at him and smiled wide. And thats how it became a daily thing. Fred would come back from his walks and she would be there sometimes she would cry. Sometimes smile. Sometimes she would get angry at him for leaving her. She would then see the same first years he had saved now as 6th years and she would smile and go back and apologize because she knew he died a noble death. She would still cry though because she wanted her love with her and not just standing there trapped in a frame where she couldnt feel his warmth or where she couldnt hug or kiss him. But she still showed up every night to talk to him.

When night came where she felt overwhelmed with the sadness of never being able to hug him the tears always started even before she approached the hall where the picture frame was located. It was hard to believe that even as a teacher and after 4 years that the pain she felt whenever she visited the painting was as strong and powerful as when the moment it happened in real life.

She took a deep breath as she stood at the end of the hall trying with all her might to stop the tears as she rubbed her cheeks every few seconds. She didnt want him to see her this way again but at the same time she knew he would understand. He always understood.

She calmed down enough to smile at the painting in front of her but as soon as she saw him smiling down at her she couldnt hold herself together.

"F-fred" she stuttered out in between cries.

"Oh come on, crying again today" he smiled sadly, "you know id rather you visit when youve got a smile on your  face"

"I c-cant help it... I miss you" she whispers softly.

"I know" he mumbles back. He cant cry but you could see the pain in his eyes.

You could always see the pain in both their eyes, pain for each other but always for the same reason.

They could never be happy without each other, but they could never be together again. They tried though and well it wasn't perfect but they had each other through that portrait, and that was better than not having the other at all.



Hope you guys enjoy let me know if yall have any ideas you would like to see.

Any and all request are appreciated.

- sarai

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